Quote Originally Posted by eagles View Post
yesterday, i had a chat with my british boyfriend. He was pricky. Our usual daily hour chat ended with hurt feelings. Why was that so? Overnight, i did looked back on how we are handling our long distant relationship that had span for 5 solid years. Yesterday, he felt irritated of my question " why are always offline in the IM?
Hang on in there, my friend. Five years is a long time for ANY relationship ... let alone one conducted from opposite ends of the world ... and I can empathise with your frustration. But YOU have the right to know where things are heading, and HE in turn should be considerate of your feelings.

Maybe, as others have indicated, your boyfriend had simply been having an "off day" [it can happen to us all at times!]. Work problems perhaps? Whatever, I think it's best to clear the air between you (for BOTH your sakes) next time you talk. Explain to him how hurt you felt at the way your previous chat had ended. And, hopefully, he will prove to be more understanding than before.

Best Wishes to each of you.