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Thread: Joke thread old classics

  1. #1
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Joke thread old classics

    • I also like the one about the boatload of Viagra that went down in Loch Ness — and the monster came up.
    • I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that’s the best they’re going to feel all day.
    • What’s the difference between an Iraqi woman and a pilchard? One’s ugly, greasy, with bulging eyes. The other’s a fish.
    • I don’t believe Scots are as tight as people say, but I did hear that when two taxis collided in Glasgow recently 48 people were injured.
    • A guy walks into a shop and says: "I'd like to buy a wasp." The shopkeeper says:"A wasp? But we don't sell wasps." "Why not?You've got one in the window."
    • My sister went to a hairdressers and said:"Make me look like Lea Salonga." So she hit her over the nose with a hairbrush."
    • I was walking down the street the other day and saw a lesbian. She must have been a lesbian because she didn't fancy me.
    • A bloke goes to the opticians - the optician says "I'm afraid your going to have to stop wanking" Bloke:"Why, will I go blind?"Optician "No, but you're upsetting everyone in the waiting room"
    • Yorkshire couple go to Majorca for their first holiday abroad. Being typical Brits abroad, they don't trust the local food, and as it's a Sunday they start cooking a roast dinner. Unfortunately they've forgotten the gravy granules, so Maureen says to Geoffrey:"I'm sure the couple next door are English, go and ask them if they've got some"So off he goes, knocks on the door, Geoffrey asks politely: "Hast thou any Bisto??"The bloke says: "F*** off you Spanish C***!
    • Drunk bloke goes into a bar and shouts "You lot over there are a bunch of w******s! And you you lot over there are a bunch of cunts!" One big man stands up says "How dare you!I'm not a ******" Drunk bloke says "Get over there with the cunts then!"

      Most from Bernard Manning
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    • Drunk bloke goes into a bar and shouts "You lot over there are a bunch of w******s! And you you lot over there are a bunch of cunts!" One big man stands up says "How dare you!I'm not a ******" Drunk bloke says "Get over there with the cunts then!"

    The one I knew was:

    A big muscley guy walks into a bar and shouts "All you guys on the left are a bunch of w*****s! And all you guys on the right are a bunch of gays!"

    A man in the bar stands up from his chair and starts walking...

    The muscley guy says "You starting trouble?"

    The guy says "Ooooh no, I was just on the wrong side!"

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