Quote Originally Posted by Sun Shine View Post
I know how you feel englishbird
We have talked and talked and talked about it a lot, but it's our only option, unless I move to the Philippines to be with him there. Sometimes it's so frustrating I want to pull my hair out
My boyf's got kids too, fortunately they're over 18 so he doesn't feel the need to help them too much although he does a little.
We have good days and bad days but we just try and be positive and take each day as it comes.
The kids in my situation are only 8 and 5 years old and he will carry on supporting them until they are through college!. I guess I will have a serious chat with him when I go to visit in Nov. Its impossible to have a serious conversation on the ship because hes either working or just in my cabin for a short time.

Why is it all so complicated??