This really such a perfect Air show, I cant see even just bit of mistakes from thier performances in the air and

As newbie in the UK, first time ever to watch the air festival, luckily as I am the one holding the advertising of our company, my boss sent us there to meet the crowd and got the chance to watch the performance they even make heart in the sky, unbelievable who ever the one who discover or found to do that kind of air show, must be a very very well trained pilot

Life was indeed too busy for me and for my husband, I even cant escape during my breaktime like the first week of my job to log on to forum fortunately I even met loads and loads of filipinas in Lowestoft, and they are so so kind to invite us for lunch and so we did today and again tomorrow

Life has to go on, and earning money i guess is one of the goal of each person in this world, so enjoy the forum each and everyone and I will just see you as much as I can