kamusta?!? hehe i've been visiting this forum during class break time, but its the first time i'll post aside from the introducing my self,, coz i enjoy reading eh,, it's actually philip who asked me to post coz he said he wants to read my post's hehehe

..but i really wanna learn something more specially about this....
... my fiance and i are planning to apply for a visa this comming feb,, and if we're lucky to get one soon maybe i'll be there this june..Thinking about it makes me feel excited but i also cant help to be scared,, everytime i think of my my possible days there,,, i cant imagine how will i survive hehehe,,, i dunno if its natural but gosh,, imagine, suddenly, i'll be in a place thousands miles away from my home, family,,, all my life i stayed with my nanay.
A new place, diff. weather,, diff. foods ( everytime i ask philip what he has for lunch and he answered,, soup & crisp!!! i told my self oh my gosh,, now i wonder how will i survive there,,, i even take rice for breakfast,,,) diff. people with diff. culture.. ahhhhh,,

but though i have these lil fears,, i would still go
For now i just wanna ask those filipina who are there already there,,, can you share something to me? like what are the things you like and hate about uk,,,? is it possible for me to give up? how long does it takes for a filipino to be well adjusted there?
i'll wait for response,,,
Many many many thanks...

Hello philip,, hope you like it hehe..beee but i hope it wont add to your worries more.
