I'm a Filipina student in the US but my boyfriend is British and we used to want to move to the Philippines after I graduate next year. Unfortunately, looking at the opportunities for people in my field, I've come to realise that there really aren't many opportunities in the Philippines for me unless I do like a lot of Filipinas do (disregard my Bachelor's and Master's degrees, and find a job, any job). I don't think living in the US would be an option for us either. He just started working and he has some sort of bond with the company that requires him to stay in the UK for a couple more years before requesting to be reassigned elsewhere.

I've been looking for opportunities in the UK and have found some interesting ones. So I may be leaving to work in England if things go well.

My question is if my being on an employment visa will affect my ability to marry my boyfriend, if and when that time comes. Also, would I be required to change to a different type of visa then? I didn't see anything that could answer my question on the border agency's website. Is there anyone here that can help me? I'd really appreciate it.