Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

I think that is so childish.
IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
I thought love is based on trust.
Mine is.

I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
I have told her this.
I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.


THE ONE PROBLEM WITH SOME FILIPINA IS THERE JEALOUS MINDS but as it has been said ----if we are not jealous we dont love you FFS