Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
To be honest the post was originally a bit tongue in cheek. But on reflection and seeing that no post have addressd the commenst about being afraid he will be angry with her. Surely she had a right to be angry with him!

The pictures may have the ex in front of the Taj Mahal - does he want to be reminded of that?

I am also assuming these particular pictures are not - in the main - tourist /holiday photo's - and may be "Contact" photo's.

And although its been suggested...the lady is obviously not confident that bringing the matter to the husband for discussion is going to get very far.

Mutual trust and openess are the only way for a successful relationship....IMHO!