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Thread: Do you think its fair enough to blame the immigrants?

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Well not really if you are comparing the situation with lets say..The Philippines!!
    I certainly can`t take a job that a Filipino is able to do,Im also not allowed to own the house I built or the land it sits on bought..(wait for it)

    with my own money..

    The same rules should apply to Filipino`s in the UK eh???
    Quid pro quo eh???
    you can own the house or dwelling but as you rightly said you cant own the land it sits on but you can lease the land from lets say the wife right or wrong

    as far the immigrants here go have no problem if there come here legaly but all that crap you see queing up in france waiting to get here ilegaly makes me

  2. #32
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Yes Joe, you are correct, but they are mainly taking jobs we have not had the skilled people to do, nurses, doctors, IT staff, sciences, etc.

    I remember a figure about 2-3 years ago that we needed 20,000 IT staff brought in as our own students (even though we now have more at university than ever making it more worthless). were studying only the 'easy' courses, which business in the real world find useless. Psychology, art, media studies.... the list goes on....
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #33
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    of course many are doing the low skilled work, as they are not entitled to benefits until they have worked here at least a year, and like most people they will do any job to get some money, as you've said its a job.

    but as gordie brown said 'british jobs for british workers' you have to put your own citizens first.

    but there should be some controls on how many and who comes here, and that's what the gov has been doing the last few years, using a points based system, restricting the number of Bulgarians and Romanians who can come here and ending some of the scams used to get people here and scams while they are here.

    fake uni's and colleges, getting a workpermit for a relative, applying for a student visa and never attending uni, umbrella companies used to get a visa, payslips etc. sham marriages, illegal immigrants marrying a european in the uk, etc.........

  4. #34
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    you can own the house or dwelling but as you rightly said you cant own the land it sits on but you can lease the land from lets say the wife right or wrong
    Yeah Dave you can own the house but its not much good if you dont own the land that it sits on! After a separation the court will award everything to the Filipina and the foreigner will get ziltch.. I did post a test case here involving a German that tried his level best to get at least his share..He lost everything dismally.(not sure how to find it here to show you)

    In regards the leasing thing... This is a definate no no as the courts here will judge that you were trying to sham the Filipino constitution..Safe to say thats an offence.
    (same goes for setting up corperations etc)

    There may be a glimmer of hope as congress has been discussing this issue amongst other proposed constitutional changes..
    Who knows what will happen?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Yeah Dave you can own the house but its not much good if you dont own the land that it sits on! After a separation the court will award everything to the Filipina and the foreigner will get ziltch.. I did post a test case here involving a German that tried his level best to get at least his share..He lost everything dismally.(not sure how to find it here to show you)

    In regards the leasing thing... This is a definate no no as the courts here will judge that you were trying to sham the Filipino constitution..Safe to say thats an offence.
    (same goes for setting up corperations etc)

    There may be a glimmer of hope as congress has been discussing this issue amongst other proposed constitutional changes..
    Who knows what will happen?
    Fred, I can see where you're comeing from and to an extent I agree wth you

    But I think countries like the phils put these ownership rules in place to prevent far richer foreigners from buying up a lot of land and then charging rent to generations of locals. And given the ratio between the £ and the peso, if they did not have these laws, everyone on this forum from the UK would probably own some land in the phils. Driving up prices beyond what a native could afford.

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    But I think countries like the phils put these ownership rules in place to prevent far richer foreigners from buying up a lot of land and then charging rent to generations of locals.
    you don't need to worry about that, when rich phil corps own the land and kick the locals off

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you don't need to worry about that, when rich phil corps own the land and kick the locals off
    Well, a few politicians got bribed nicely there then...

  8. #38
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Yeah Dave you can own the house but its not much good if you dont own the land that it sits on! After a separation the court will award everything to the Filipina and the foreigner will get ziltch.. I did post a test case here involving a German that tried his level best to get at least his share..He lost everything dismally.(not sure how to find it here to show you)

    In regards the leasing thing... This is a definate no no as the courts here will judge that you were trying to sham the Filipino constitution..Safe to say thats an offence.
    (same goes for setting up corperations etc)

    There may be a glimmer of hope as congress has been discussing this issue amongst other proposed constitutional changes..
    Who knows what will happen?

    THANKS FOR THAT fred hopefully change might come

    the way i look at it is its a one way street once that money is in the phils it aint coming out again thats a lesson many will learn i have already

  10. #40
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Fred, I can see where you're comeing from and to an extent I agree wth you

    But I think countries like the phils put these ownership rules in place to prevent far richer foreigners from buying up a lot of land and then charging rent to generations of locals. And given the ratio between the £ and the peso, if they did not have these laws, everyone on this forum from the UK would probably own some land in the phils. Driving up prices beyond what a native could afford.
    A big reason the locals find it difficult to get decent jobs and get a fair wage is a lot to do with the total lack of foreign investment here..(due to 60%/40% business rule in favour of Filipino partner)
    Im not asking for the right to buy large haciendas..Just enough to build a house and have a garden..
    Even If they place limits to a foreigner married to a Filipino to say 2000sq mtrs...I for one would be happy with that...
    Imagine the amount of work this would provide for the locals overnight.
    Millions of Filipinos own land via hereditary succession..Few of them develop the land and often have to sell as they get behind on their land taxes that they cannot pay as they have no job..
    Quite often this land ends up in the hands of either money lenders or banks.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Yes Joe, you are correct, but they are mainly taking jobs we have not had the skilled people to do, nurses, doctors, IT staff, sciences, etc.

    I remember a figure about 2-3 years ago that we needed 20,000 IT staff brought in as our own students (even though we now have more at university than ever making it more worthless). were studying only the 'easy' courses, which business in the real world find useless. Psychology, art, media studies.... the list goes on....
    mmmmmm, Psychology..a useless degree!

    My daughter in Australia has a degree in Psychology.

    Works for Allianz Insurance,( its a required degree ) been there since 2004, been promoted three times...and earns nearly 3 times her pay in the Tribunals Office in Manchester!

    Yep, totally useless degree! She could have been a really good check out girl on the tills at Asda!

    Ofcourse she used "applied psycholgy" to apply for and get the job!

  12. #42
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    mmmmmm, Psychology..a useless degree!

    My daughter in Australia has a degree in Psychology.

    Works for Allianz Insurance,( its a required degree ) been there since 2004, been promoted three times...and earns nearly 3 times her pay in the Tribunals Office in Manchester!

    Yep, totally useless degree! She could have been a really good check out girl on the tills at Asda!

    Ofcourse she used "applied psycholgy" to apply for and get the job!
    Do you get a job at Alcoholics anonymous with that degree?
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  13. #43
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Arturo;158832]mmmmmm, Psychology..a useless degree!
    Glad you agree

    Look up how many people have it and divide that by how many jobs require it and the ratio makes it pretty useless.

    Government educationl think tank agrees with me.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #44
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my niece has a combined psychology and French degree, the French might by useful but the psychology i don't think so, unless she studied NLP

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