Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
With regard to the jobs, the majority of them are low paid and the lazy Brits won't do them. Take the horse racing industry, 100's of staff short for racing stables, a Brit could walk straight into the job tomorrow, but they don't want them, they might get their nails dirty ....and all for what....the minimum wage....long hours.....work weekends.....IT'S A JOB

So they have to bring in East Europeans now to do it otherwise the industry would seize up.

You only have to look at the binmen in this country, they get paid the same as a biologist, pharmacist...and many other science based jobs ....and yet they do much less work than they did in the 80's
Very true Keith

The people that bother me are never the immigrants who move here to have a better life and work towards their dreams. It is the people who would rather spend the morning watching Jeremy Kyle than doing something productive with their lives.

Politically, I am as far from a Tory as can be in many way's. Yet I find it disturbing when I hear some single mother proclaiming her "Job" as a single mother the most important job of all, and it is the states duty to provide for her. Now, again.... I am a believer in the state system, even if I never claim a single benefit, I will never begrudge somebody the security that it brings, and I am proud to live in a socierty that has a level of care for the poor. I was raised by a single mother as my father died when I was very young, my mother worked long hours even though she could never provide everything moneywise from her income. But, damnit... She tried!

But the problem with our nation is how we like to blame others for our faults! We are a nation of blamers, never admitting to our mistakes and then working to fix them. We prefer to point the finger and leave it at that!

And if I keep up this preaching, I'm going to have to claim my tax back for Religious purposes!