As a brit living in Australia, I have experience of both the UK and the growing anti immigrant feelings building higher.
There is no short answer to you comments.
When things are bad, some need to look where to cast blame.
In the UK, Jamaicans were accepted by the shipload to teh UK, after that came a flood of People from India and Pakistan. Again in the main they were mostly accepted - except by the raciist fraternity, and these were seen as loonies and basically ignored.
What happened then is, the UK became a EU member. The EU made new legislation to allow any person, a national of the European Union, to enter and work in any member country. And teh UK was flooded with Poles and other nations where people are poor and work a month for what hey can earn in the UK on about 2 days.
That said I have one brother in Spain and one in France. Both have a business and doing OK!
England is seen as a soft touch to all immigrants legal or not which is why they gather in France to get to the UK.
Other countries like France and Germany dont give them houses, cars and money so easy. The UK does!
It is harder to get work and some bosses now prefer to take a European worker..and pay him less than a Brit. So the Brit wont apply for that job because they need more money to pay bills.
So the English having read in newspapers about things like this..believe it and naturally...dont like it!
People say the UK is a racist country. This tends to be seen as white English do not like brown or black skinned people. I dont thinks thats true - except for the loonies - who get ignored.
The English in the UK are just fed of "believing" they are treated worse than the immigrants who get help on arrival.
Brits Leaving the UK
I left the UK after spending 25 years and more looking at ways to get a visa, which eventuall happened and I moved over to join my daughter last October. It also cost a bucket load of money to pay for the visa, ship all our gear over.. at least that which the thieving packers from Liverpool did not lift.
Most moving to Aussie do so for better paid jobs, a better climate and better lifestyle.
BUt, Aussie is not a land of milk and honey and even they are having a bad time AND... the aussies are not taking as miany immigrants now. No jobs!
Do I miss the UK... I miss Sky sports!, Morrison meat and potatoe pies, REAL bacon, and cheaper food, coz it bloody dearer here!
Its actually winter here now and piggin freezing at nights an dtehse houses are built to keep the heat out..not in!
Dont get too upset as an "immigrant" just try to understand the real situation which was created by idiots in charge of financial institutions in the USA and supported by bigger idiots in every other country.
I am not a fan of George Brown or the Labour party, but he is a victim of the situation, no the cause of it.
Its EU casual workers immigration and illegals that get people PI**ED OFF - not pretty filipina's being in the UK with their husbands!