Hi Northerner....a very interesting thread.
People being people, you are always going to face some prejudices...Funnily enough, I bumped into someone I know a little today. 'You still off to Thailand, how many bob did you have to pay for her'. He said
This is common & it's always going to come up, in some shape or form.
I actually feel bad, having to write the comment above, as I don't like the Filipinas on this forum, having to read such a thing.
My advice, just be proud....do things in life that make you happy!
I would start telling people of your relationship, now you are starting to get established with each other.
I told a close friend of mine first, a couple of weeks after we started talking online...Have to say he was fine & quite interested in the whole concept...I do remember telling him, that it's ok, but where's it all going to go???? At that time, I didn't know.
A few weeks later, I told my mum....She was a little bit confused by it....she couldn't quite get the concept of it?...knew nothing about webcams, knew nothing about the internet....She's fine with it all now.
In time, more friends found out & again they were ok with it...I'm not saying it's all been plain sailing with them, as there have been comments at times, but I think really, they were just being friends & were looking out for me.
A couple of months after meeting online, I told my sister.....it was christmas & I went to stay with her....I was nervous about telling her, she was a bit concerned, but only because she didn't want me to end up getting hurt....she's been very supportive since.
As for my brother, I can't remember when he found out, but considering he is going to be my best man, you can see he's fine with it.
I would be inclined to start telling people gently... not everyone, but if you go out with a mate for a drink or something, just slip it into the conversation.
If you leave it too long, it will become harder to do & if it's anything like my experience, most of it will be positive.
Just do it.