Please know that you are still lucky despite everything that has happened. Your family is still with you.. you can still see your children. I lost a sister 2 days before Christmas 2007. And like you, I have never thought that a tragedy like this would happen to our family. She died in my arms and I always feel my heart breaking again whenever I think of her. But I have to remain strong for my family, especially my parents, as I am the eldest. A day after my sister was buried, an uncle died. A few months after, my dad was hospitalized for a month and we owe people so much money because of that. Then a cousin had a motorcyle accident and is in a coma until now.
Why am I sharing this? I just want you to know that there's no reason for you to be weak now. There are others who have experienced worse than what you and I have experienced. Laban lang ng laban. That's life.
Keep us updated with your case. There's always hope.. and there's always an answer to any problem.