Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
Your not in a mess,its one of those things that make us unique,its called life,we all have differing expectations,experiences,trauma,joy,ups,downs swings and roundabouts,you learn from each day,deprivation of liberty is pretty traumatic I must admit but hopefully its short-term only,you will learn from it and empathise with the people you meet,its part of the game.I was locked up in Pakistan once,I was single so wasnt too phased by the experience though the fact I expected a beating perturbed me a little But your strong,your characters ebullient,your writings echo that,this wont crush you,if anything it will make you stronger.
sometimes i dont understand my life...imagine at my age i have experienced alot of pains, traumas, happiness, achievements and love where others might just only started. At my age i've been married twice already and have six children. first marriage was happy until i found out im sharing my husband with another guy. then got lost...then found kevin. thought it will be a good one as. marriage is good and i can say we both tried to be good parents. manage to get our second business after the first one failed. but now...lost again everything...kevin being imprisoned...me have a threat of being detained...and being way to my lovely children. hope that i can be able to see the light at the end (but i hope not that late). Honestly, this thing had made me a brick heart, and a numb mind.

oh well dont know why i get this things...i know it was me who choose what path i will be on...but never intended to be in this one.