During my college years back when i was doing my masteral we needed to have our case study. It was about the trauma and psychological effect of being jailed. I was assigned at the Correctional (women's jail for convicted prisoners), there i learned the hardship and pain of women who are serving their sentence. I saw the cruelty of the guards and even their situation food, clothing, health, sleeping quarters, etc.). I pitied each one as they all have diffrent stories that would break your heart. Most of my cases are mother's who had left their children for adoption as no one would take care of them and they are serving their sentence.

Before I had this casework, i always thought that criminals are criminals...but then after all they are also human. Yes, they have to be punished for whatever their crime is...but being jailed is not only serving your sentence, but as well as killing your life, hope and even morals. That is when I started being afraid of jail. I have nighmares of what I have seen there. Those are not will be forgotten. I have promised myself that no way i would let myself in that situation.

And now...i am facing the threat of being detained. What a life? What a mess I am in.

So tell me...how about you? What are you afraid of to happen?