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Thread: Lechon????

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Talking Lechon????

    Hi all.

    Very interesting question.
    My new girl in the Phils keeps cattle, mostly pigs, and not saying she is one
    As I would like to live there soon one day, and make some kind of business plan, I asked her more about this subject, and she told me that she buys piglets for 3000 pesos, and when fully grown, sells then for up to 8000!!!
    Is this true???? coz it sounds like quite a nice area to invest in, lol
    Makes a change from fixing radios

    Any comments would be appreciated please
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi all.

    Very interesting question.
    My new girl in the Phils keeps cattle, mostly pigs, and not saying she is one
    As I would like to live there soon one day, and make some kind of business plan, I asked her more about this subject, and she told me that she buys piglets for 3000 pesos, and when fully grown, sells then for up to 8000!!!
    Is this true???? coz it sounds like quite a nice area to invest in, lol
    Makes a change from fixing radios

    Any comments would be appreciated please
    Don't even think about it.....

    Bad business that way.

    What's the point in buying piglets, feeding them, fattening them, and then selling them on....?
    Hardly worth the time.

    Why doesn't she breed them herself....???
    She must have enough boars and sows by now to start a proper piggery.

    Just imagine this...
    Average piglets per birth.... 12/14 @ 3000Php = 36k/42k (modest average, could be 15/17)
    Sow can safely be bred twice yearly = 72k/84k
    10 breeding sows = 720k/840k

    Even so, I would not touch it with a bargepole.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Don't even think about it.....

    Bad business that way.

    What's the point in buying piglets, feeding them, fattening them, and then selling them on....?
    Hardly worth the time.

    Why doesn't she breed them herself....???
    She must have enough boars and sows by now to start a proper piggery.

    Just imagine this...
    Average piglets per birth.... 12/14 @ 3000Php = 36k/42k (modest average, could be 15/17)
    Sow can safely be bred twice yearly = 72k/84k
    10 breeding sows = 720k/840k

    Even so, I would not touch it with a bargepole.
    Ahhh ok.

    So sorry my friend.

    That was her original thing she was doing, but as you say we plan to breed them as you suggested.
    I just want to help her get startedand do as you say, as the feed is very expensive, and hardly worth it.
    Sorry for not making myself more clearer!
    You have insight into this, and am glad for your help/suggestions.
    I didn't think a full grown wd fetch 8000????
    People there obviously have more money than i thought!
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  4. #4
    eagles's Avatar
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    piglets of good breeding is about 2,000 pesos each, (1 month old) you got to fatten them for another 3- 4 months@ 1000 per month cost of feeds per pig.. add the vitamins etc.. each investment for a pig is 7,000. Today in davao, live pig is sold at 85-90 pesos per kilo, market selling price for the pork is 130-150 a kilo.. .. A good live pig is more than 100kgs when sold.. Hope my data are correct.

    As to the cows, live cow for fattening when bought from local suppliers is 20,000-25,000 each... ( i still have to research more on this)

  5. #5
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    i knew a pig breeder there he had to have them all culled they had some kind of desease

    and the same happened to a chicken breeder

    but what you dont find in the phils is a lot of sheep

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave;158488/
    but what you dont find in the phils is a lot of sheep
    Of course not....!!!!!

    The welsh take too much time to tenderise them .... before export....

  7. #7
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Of course not....!!!!!

    The welsh take too much time to tenderise them .... before export....
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  8. #8
    eagles's Avatar
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    few farmers raise sheep as pinoys dont normally eat sheep ( though i had tasted roast lamb here in davao ).. Pinoy dish is more of pork, beef, chicken and fish..

  9. #9
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Remember the cost of feeding and caring for them as well. At those costs and sell prices, given the cost of rearing and the risk of disease/death I wouldnt have thought there was a huge amount of profit in it.
    In the UK it would be more of a hobby business unless you want to establish a proper full time piggery.

  10. #10
    Respected Member ca143's Avatar
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    :now a days piggery is not a good bussiness at others say cost of feeds are very expensive,,,,,why u not try a coconut farm?u can harvest on it evry 3 mos....then goat under on it.....all u need to do make a fence and a sheed....

  11. #11
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi all.

    Very interesting question.
    My new girl in the Phils keeps cattle, mostly pigs, and not saying she is one
    As I would like to live there soon one day, and make some kind of business plan, I asked her more about this subject, and she told me that she buys piglets for 3000 pesos, and when fully grown, sells then for up to 8000!!!
    Is this true???? coz it sounds like quite a nice area to invest in, lol
    Makes a change from fixing radios

    Any comments would be appreciated please
    not a good business in my opinion bcoz i noticed my sister last year bought a piglets for 800pesos for family use but the pig food is to much expensive yeah you have a profit but not that much.
    all things are possible!

  12. #12
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    I agree to Vbkelly it's not good business at the moment, there's a virus spreading (well not the swine flu) as far as i remember it was ebola virus, in my province nueva ecija many cases has been found lately about it, as I was chatted to my mom they start avoiding eating pork meat now anyway the Government doing quick action about it (maybe quicker coz election coming soon)
    just to give idea about the virus
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  13. #13
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Well, i got 4 for her, and she can do what she likes with them
    If she makes a small profit, all well and good for her

    Thanks a lot for all your interesting replies
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

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