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Thread: Advice on Annulment

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  1. #1
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    Hi All,

    At this time I believe that the attorney does not know that I am paying the bills. I was going to contact him, but I am rethinking my options at the moment. If I had known the ropes then we might have tackled it all differently. It was a surprise to me and my gf about her marriage, it seems it's all connected with documents in the NCO as no ceremony ever took place, its a crazy world ! Thanks again for all your help

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    Hi All,

    At this time I believe that the attorney does not know that I am paying the bills. I was going to contact him, but I am rethinking my options at the moment. If I had known the ropes then we might have tackled it all differently. It was a surprise to me and my gf about her marriage, it seems it's all connected with documents in the NCO as no ceremony ever took place, its a crazy world ! Thanks again for all your help

    now you have lost me she did not know SHE WAS MARRIED

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    now you have lost me she did not know SHE WAS MARRIED

    I guess you are not the only person `lost' here !!!!

    If there was no marriage then no one is married and no divorce (euphemistically called annulment) is needed

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I guess you are not the only person `lost' here !!!!

    If there was no marriage then one one is married and no divorce (euphemistically called annulment) is needed
    I'm sure most people would remember if at some point in their past, they had stood before a judge or a priest and took part in a marriage ceremony.

    Mind you, it reminded me of my wife's cousin who went right through a very expensive annulment process, only to find out at the very end that her so-called ex husband was actually a bigamist so she wasn't legally married to him anyway.

    You would have thought at that stage that things would be simple and that she could go ahead and get married again as soon as, but in practise all it meant was that her attorney had another couple of paydays because she had to have 2 more court hearings before she could get her status with the NSO changed back to single.

    Only in the Philippines...........


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    now you have lost me she did not know SHE WAS MARRIED
    When this was posted I too thought how could a person not know if they were or were not married.

    I may have changed my view on that.

    Last week friends of ours, English guy Filipino female, both intelligent people, apologised because they had not invited us to their wedding in a catholic church here in Spain. I was surprised how they could have married in a catholic church as both of them are divorced.

    Well to cut a long story short, it was only when I asked if the guy had sent off the marriage cert to DWP to claim the additional pension that I discovered they were only blessed by a priest not married. Both absolutely believed they had got married.


  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Theres something in the Philippine press today about an annulment thats been ongoing for 30 YEARS

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Theres something in the Philippine press today about an annulment thats been ongoing for 30 YEARS
    I think the last post might refer to;- "Failed marriage of 30 years not enough for annulment" see :-

  8. #8
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    Hi All,

    At this time I believe that the attorney does not know that I am paying the bills. I was going to contact him, but I am rethinking my options at the moment. If I had known the ropes then we might have tackled it all differently. It was a surprise to me and my gf about her marriage, it seems it's all connected with documents in the NCO as no ceremony ever took place, its a crazy world ! Thanks again for all your help
    Hi Purplealien,
    You have made the right decision not to tell the lawyer you are the one paying. Don't contact him, let your fiancee do the talking. Pls it is better to stay in the background because once the lawyer knows he will make delaying tactics so you will keep on paying him if you lose your patience in waiting.

    All the best.
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    Hi All,

    At this time I believe that the attorney does not know that I am paying the bills. I was going to contact him, but I am rethinking my options at the moment. If I had known the ropes then we might have tackled it all differently. It was a surprise to me and my gf about her marriage, it seems it's all connected with documents in the NCO as no ceremony ever took place, its a crazy world ! Thanks again for all your help

    i am sure us on here dont know your situation ---and its none of our buisness but LOOK AT IT VERY CAREFULLY your girl is either married or she is not

  10. #10
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    [Gordon Ramsay tone] Marry a single woman! Simple, fresh, uncomplicated, no bullsh*t! [/Gordon Ramsay tone]

  11. #11
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srvfan View Post
    [Gordon Ramsay tone] Marry a single woman! Simple, fresh, uncomplicated, no bullsh*t! [/Gordon Ramsay tone]

    Better be careful of what u say dude...

    nd to purplealien,i wish you all the best..Im also currently on ma annulment process,Ive been separated with a filipino guy for 7 years already...I went abroad and save up some money and applied for the nullity of ma marriage when i got back on ma own money,didnt wanna accept any money from ma bf that time cz its ma mess..Its almost 2 years now but hopefully gonna end by december..It depends on the sched of the judge, n the other party if theyre makin some stress and if u both have assets and all it wud really take long...In ma case,My judge's sched is hella hectic and she jst comes here in cebu every 2 months...My ex didnt bother to attend in any trials we had whatsoever...Thats good actually for me,makes the process more fast...Just be patient...Cheers!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post

    Better be careful of what u say dude...

    nd to purplealien,i wish you all the best..Im also currently on ma annulment process,Ive been separated with a filipino guy for 7 years already...I went abroad and save up some money and applied for the nullity of ma marriage when i got back on ma own money,didnt wanna accept any money from ma bf that time cz its ma mess..Its almost 2 years now but hopefully gonna end by december..It depends on the sched of the judge, n the other party if theyre makin some stress and if u both have assets and all it wud really take long...In ma case,My judge's sched is hella hectic and she jst comes here in cebu every 2 months...My ex didnt bother to attend in any trials we had whatsoever...Thats good actually for me,makes the process more fast...Just be patient...Cheers!
    srvfan's advice is true though. A LDR between someone in the UK and someone in the Philippines has enough hurdles to cross without the added complication of requiring an annulment in the Philippines first. I am not talking about the money factor, it's the time factor - as you admit you could be waiting a couple of years.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    srvfan's advice is true though. A LDR between someone in the UK and someone in the Philippines has enough hurdles to cross without the added complication of requiring an annulment in the Philippines first. I am not talking about the money factor, it's the time factor - as you admit you could be waiting a couple of years.
    Five years for us so far just to get all the prerequisites out of the way to the point where we could apply to the court, that happens next week however it should be a simple case as we are just asking for recognition of a foreign divorce that happened 12 years ago.

    You are right LDR's are complex enough, the stresses and strains of just trying this can be enough to almost bring a relationship to an end and we have come close a few times.


  14. #14
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    Marvie started her annulment in February and it's becoming a bit tiresome with the issues in court. Her husband has not responded to anything, so it's been a constant waiting game as they do the summons, then they have to check each time whether he's received the letters and investigate the collusion etc. Finally we had the trial a few weeks ago and ran out of time before the cross examination, and the next available court slot was 2 months later in December!
    We've just gone with the flow and not tried any funny business, but it is a bit annoying having to continuously wait for the court system...

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