Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
my misses is really


because I'm spending so much time replying to PM's about red blobs instead of looking for a picnic table for her (don't ask, i do as i'm told )

next person who sends a red blob, will be exactly that a red blob, by the time the misses finishes with you and a warning she use to spar with pacman

so quit sending red blobs, were all friends on here (except those who send red blobs )

no more red blobs please
i think joe is right!

but really it depends why you got bad rep,seems to me people are abusing the bad rep and giving it to try and get back at each other?
i got bad rep and thought it was funny and i replyed in the thread that i got bad rep,why not post in the thread where you got bad rep and im sure someone will give you good rep!