Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong... a red blob indicates that this forumer has typed something bad to earn a bad reputation, thus a red blob, right?
Absolutely CORRECT, Florge!

Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
So, what does it take for someone to earn a bad reputation? The only thing that comes to my mind right now is using of foul language. So if in a forum, a forumer uses terms that are hurtful, then we give them a red blob. We don't give a red blob to someone who has a different opinion from us. This is a forum and the essence of such is that it definitely is a venue for various opinions. Correct?
Personally, I would tend to be extremely hesitant about "awarding" a red blob to ANYONE on OUR forum ... unless he/she were being deliberately malicious and/or vindictive ... as I believe that the vast majority of the [regular] contributors are HERE because they enjoy the ongoing fellowship that prevails by virtue of their willingness and commitment towards helping others - whilst learning a great deal themselves - through shared experiences.

Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
Coz if we give red blobs to those who do not agree with us, then this defeats the purpose of what a forum is all about.
Exactly! Inevitably, there will be times when our opinion is at variance with those of other posters. But, so long as we continue to conduct ourselves in a non-aggressive and civilised manner, then there should be no problem(s) and, hence, less need for resorting to the 'Red Blob' treatment.

And besides, I suspect Keith and his Moderatorial team will be keeping a watchful eye on proceedings to ensure any potential offenders are dealt with appropriately!