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Thread: Proof that NuLiebour are twits...

  1. #1

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    Proof that NuLiebour are twits...

    Its official! The unelected deputy prime minister that is Lord Mandy (who is unelected in case you hadn't noticed) has admitted there will be big cuts in public spending, but, guess what, Lordy Mandy has spinned it....he says "substantial adjustments by Labour ministers, in comparison with savage cuts delivered gleefully by their Tory opponents."

    Isn't that the same thing?

    Somehow I can hear the UK almost willing David Cameron into no.10.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    All of a sudden the Monster Raving Loony Party were on the right track. Like most of the Python sketches, there was more truth than lunacy behind them.

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think I'll vote Labour next, this country need to be brought down to the same level as Zimbabwe
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    Is that unelected like the rest of the house of lords and the monarchy?

    Let's start a campaign to get rid of them now.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    No one elects a monachy

    And they earn a lot more for the country than they cost us, which is a good job as the Germans owed us one
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6

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    Keep up the good work Harrow-woman, keep spouting rubbish like this and your party will be doomed for a long time. I bet the Tories can't believe their luck, its not a case of if they will win the election, but how big a majority.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ukgangster View Post

    Keep up the good work Harrow-woman, keep spouting rubbish like this and your party will be doomed for a long time. I bet the Tories can't believe their luck, its not a case of if they will win the election, but how big a majority.
    I am afraid she is not living on the same planet as us....

    Like the rest of the cabinet... Really....

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Bloody feminist.....role on the days when the golden spoon inbreds are ruining.....sorry....running the country
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
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    Doesn't matter, Tories aren't likely to do much better. Both parties are so central in their policy making now its hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. Labour have been hit hard recently, fiddling expenses has been going around for decades, Tories claiming their party is whiter than white should look back to when they were last in power.

    I'm in no means a Labour supporter, I follow the Lib Dems as they're the only party of any difference, apart from the BNP, but we won't go there

    Don't be fooled by media spin, as I said recession + expenses scandal (which could have hit any party for the last few decades) means public opinion is low. I don't actually think Labour themselves have really done anything the Tories wouldn't have done. But the media has whipped people into mass uproar, and the Tories will probably slime into power, make exactly the same mistakes and so begins another cycle in our two party electoral system

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt7 View Post

    I'm in no means a Labour supporter, I follow the Lib Dems as they're the only party of any difference, apart from the BNP, but we won't go there
    The one party I Truly think are appallingly bad at getting their voice heard is the Liberal Democrats! But they too are just the same as Labour or the Tories, also stuck in the expences scandal and full of backstabbing, self-serving hipocrites! They threw Charles Kennedy under the bus as soon as they could, despite the fact he was the best thing they had! Electing a clone of Cameron as their leader..

    Maybe I'm a bit harsh on the old libdems, but they really are terrible at getting people excited about them.

    But Gordon Brown has the charisma of a fish, hence the only way he was getting the job of PM was without getting elected. And it is a shame he has done such a c*@ppy job, as that was his only chance to impress the voters! And I doubt his successor will have any charisma too! David Milliband?

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