Magandang Umuga Bayan ! and Good Morning Britain !
And Show rolls on !
Latest E Mail from my website, through mail forwarding service:
"Hello Webmaster, this is Cherry here, hi, I just wanted to ask, my bf is called Michael, he is on Income port ( i THINK SHE MEANS INCOME SUPPORT) and we met on freindster last year, he cannnot come to visit me at present as he is betweeen his jobs, and says he is in the middle of a big deal, but soon he will come to visit me in Mindanao, do you think he will get the visa for me, if he has the Income port ! I read it on your sight about public funds ? does this mean..he can borrow from the public fun for my visa, ( I Think she means can he use public funds to get her visa) does the Governement help people like Michael to get their GF to England ? I want to go to England soon, do you think I will be going ?
Petes comment:
The only help your BF will get girl is a swift kick up the ass from the British Governement, and not much else, but never mind he can always apply for Government assisted Migration programme, GAMP for short, or the GALP programme: Get a Life Pal !!!!!
Any comments on this true Pearl of an E mail !! (Rob, Paul, Keith, Pauldo) its a new day, but the hits just keep on coming and coming, but what the ff.....what do we live for, but to provide sport for our readers, and all have a good laugh in our turn......