Originally posted by ginapeterb@Sep 29 2005, 09:04 AM
Magandang Umuga Bayan ! and Good Morning Britain !
Any comments on this true Pearl of an E mail !! (Rob, Paul, Keith, Pauldo) its a new day, but the hits just keep on coming and coming, but what the ff.....what do we live for, but to provide sport for our readers, and all have a good laugh in our turn......
The sad thing is that he probably genuinely thinks he can get her over here, and she probably believes him. It's hard for Joe Normal to imagine the sheer grief involved in the whole process, and it's only getting harder by the year.

A few years, when I first got married, many of my mates on ths ship were convinced my wife had the instant right to come to the UK just because she had married me, and they were very reluctant to believe otherwise. They're totally uninformed about visas and such stuff, living in a bygone age. The empire crumbled long ago I'm afraid.

I can't believe the number of Thai and Filipino girls I met (in a former life, ahem ) who were waiting for their boyfriend to 'make a visa' for them to go the the USA/UK. Guys promise these girls the earth, and probably in all honesty at the time. It's just so easy to feel that sort of thing when you're in a holiday romance situation.

And when a girl asks you:

She: "You from England! You know my boyfriend John? He's from Lon Don too?"

Me: " Er, no, what's his surname?"

She: "His name John, he from Lon Don, you MUST know him"

Me: "Sorry, no, I don't live in London"

She: "But you come from England, Lon Don, you must know him. He's making a visa for me when he come back next year and we're going to live in Lon Don"

Me: "Er, no sorry, when did you see him last?"

And all the time she's sat there in a bikini, rubbing your leg and asking you to 'go bar fine' with her :P B)

Isn't life just surreal some days