Originally posted by ginapeterb@Oct 2 2005, 08:11 PM
Magandang Gabi ! Good Evening Britain
Here is another corker for tonights house of fun !
"Hi webmaster I contact you because I have this situation, I hope you understand this situation because I am need help from you, my BF is in UK he is David, he is coming to see me at xmas when he get his holiday time, I have a Filipino BF and I am pregnant, but now for 3 months, but my BF has left me, I am now on my own, but I am happy with my BF in UK, he does not know about my baby but I dont want to loose him, because I love him, he send money for me, and he says, that he will soon apply for my visa once we had met, do you think he will still want me if I have the baby, I dont know..will the consul approve the visa if I am pregnant, what do you think ? also I am married to another Filipino, but he is a seafarer and doesnt come home much, also I cant find him, to get the anulment, I told my BF that I am married and he says its ok, but he wants me to get a divorce, I tell him we cannot divorce, but can get a legal anulment, so my BF wants you to tell me what it costs and how I can do it, do you know anyone who will file it for me ?
I am sorry for approach you this way, but my situation is bad, I hope you understand this situation, and for my baby sake, can you help ?
Thank you if you can
welcome to the house of fun lalalalala welcome to the house of fun lalalalala.