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Thread: Need your advices re: Spouse Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Need your advices re: Spouse Visa

    Hello everyone.. Need your advices please....

    Two years ago my husband had its own business a Chinese restaurant but unfortunately became unsuccessful and sad to say leave him bankrupt. So he applied for job and currently working as restaurant manager in Chinese restaurant for more than 1 year. He was paying for the money he owed, saved for our wedding and for his holiday last March. So that’s why until now he doesn’t have healthy bank account. But he is starting to save again. He has my job offer letter from his boss and that we have somewhere to live but he still looked for apartment for me be more comfortable. But last Saturday him and his boss had misunderstanding and he was thinking to look for other job. Luckily Monday a customer came and offered him to be become general manager of their new Chinese restaurant. He went there to see the place, discuss about the job and about me. The boss willing to give me a job once i arrived and we have big room above the restaurant. So he accepted the offer. We are planning to file my visa application this coming July.

    My questions are:

    1. Do you think July is the right time for me to file my application even though my husband doesn’t have healthy bank account? Or i need to wait more months?

    2. He will start to other shop by the end of this month do we have to submit he's pay slips from his previous work and 1st pay slip from the new restaurant where he will work?

    3. Do we have to rent an apartment even though we have enough room above the restaurant? My husband wants to look for new apartment again but for me much better no so instead we pay for rent we better save it in the bank.

    Thank you so much,

  2. #2
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    Personally, to make sure of a successful outcome, I would wait a little longer, until enough funds have been saved and a better accomodation secured.

    I presume, that if the job offer for yourself is genuine, and the employer is prepared to confirm that in writing on company headed paper, there should be no issues in that respect.

    Accepting the room above the restaurant, does not , in my mind, sound as a good idea.
    ECOs may object to that.
    They would prefer if you were not dependant on that kind of accomodation, as jobs come and go, and you may lose it.

  3. #3
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    You have a point and i will do your advices. Tonight i will discuss this to my husband.

    Thank you so much aromulus at least everything is clear now.


  4. #4
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    Having an overdraft as well doesn't look good. With regard to accommodation, it will be OK as long as it is not overcrowding , Just ask your husband to ask a letter from the landlord that you are allowed to stay in that room.

    Quote Originally Posted by simonline View Post
    You have a point and i will do your advices. Tonight i will discuss this to my husband.

    Thank you so much aromulus at least everything is clear now.


  5. #5
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    take it slowly as what Boss dom said wait a li`l bit longer
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  6. #6
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Personally, to make sure of a successful outcome, I would wait a little longer, until enough funds have been saved and a better accomodation secured.

    I presume, that if the job offer for yourself is genuine, and the employer is prepared to confirm that in writing on company headed paper, there should be no issues in that respect.

    Accepting the room above the restaurant, does not , in my mind, sound as a good idea.
    ECOs may object to that.
    They would prefer if you were not dependant on that kind of accomodation, as jobs come and go, and you may lose it.
    i totally agree. you might have to wait for a bit and when your husband's job is more stable then i think that's the best time to lodge in an application. good luck
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  7. #7
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Another question please

    Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your advices. Me and my hubby already talked about this matter and agreed to wait little longer to make sure a positive outcome.

    With regards to proof of accommodation, instead of renting a house my in-laws are willing me and husband to live in their house (as our permanent address) and to write a letter. But we will stay in where we will work together. The problem is the house is owned by the local council and they are renting for 13 years already. For me I think, I’m not allowed to live with them coz it is owned by the government and my hubby don’t agree. I told him to ask the local council for advice. Am I right? Need your opinion and advices please.

    Thanks in advance.


  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think you will need a letter from the council that confirms both the size of the property and an agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there, a copy of the tenancy agreement, as well as a letter from his parents stating you can both live there, and the house should not be overcrowded.

  9. #9
    Respected Member simonline's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think you will need a letter from the council that confirms both the size of the property and an agreement that an additional occupant may take up residence there, a copy of the tenancy agreement, as well as a letter from his parents stating you can both live there, and the house should not be overcrowded.
    Thank you for this. So it would be ok for me to live with them as long as we can provide those you have mentioned above.

    Thanks again.

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