Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
Pacific,your going to get ladies later telling you give her the benefit of the doubt.....Understand her.....etc.....etc....etc,you know why?Because they empathise more,
NOPE, not me... Haste makes waste and I believe in long courtship period hahaha Being courted and wooed is just awesome!

Quote Originally Posted by pacificelectric View Post
She has three children: one daughter aged 23, a licensed nurse recently graduated, a son aged 19 who is studying to be a chef and a daughter not even of legal age, due to be 18 in March 2010.
Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
sounds to me she's embarrassed about asking you to help her kids out til they have left uni as you have not offered to help, or have you ??

so what do you want to happen to her kids (thou not really kids being 23, 19 and nearly 18) ?

maybe she wants them with her or you to help support the 2 younger ones ?

thou uni costs are not much compared to here.

Yep, that's what I thought too... If you will be married the soonest, the sooner she can fly with you & her nearly 18 child might come with her too? (as she isn't not yet in the legal age). Could be possible that they would want to be French citizens somehow. Or she's just expecting to send money to help support them...

But in a way, if you are going to marry someone who has kids already, you need to reall take some responsibilies for them...