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Thread: hello forum people need helpfull idea..

  1. #1
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Red face hello forum people need helpfull idea..

    hi its pocahontas again... i hope you are all in good health and stay happy with your partner and life... anyway id just dont know what to do next...please tell me what is next thing to do..having a 2yrs spouse visa what next should me and my partner to do. what is the bristish citizenship when im title to get that i know it will take long run for me now but early we know what to do is better right. and im planning to go home in our country phil. is there any limit for me to stay outside in uk?? what should i have to do that i dont know...

    all information will coming from all you is a very big thankfull....

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Hi pocahontas, could you tell us first when is the valid from of your spouse visa and when did you entered UK?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Thumbs up hello ms.lady j..

    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Hi pocahontas, could you tell us first when is the valid from of your spouse visa and when did you entered UK?
    goodmorning..thanks for reply. my visa is valid from 13th of january 2009 until 13th of april 2011 i enter uk 8th of march 2009. if you will notice when i got my visa i didnt fly to uk soon that time because for some reason which my sister goig back home that we decided to wait to get us along together before i fly in uk coz it will took me so long before we get together again . you know in philippines family reunion is a very important for us pilipino.

    so whats next thing we have to do..i read some forum that getting a british citizenship is having a voluntary work in community will help too and also definitely have to get the test in life in uk? do i need to go in school just to learn that or i can just buy a book which i can handing in my self study?

    please tell me everything that i should know that i dont know..coz i have no idea...............thanks for this matter...regards to your family.

  4. #4
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    At the moment it is looking like the new rules won't be implemented until July 2011. So assuming this is the case what you need to do is take the life in the uk test, and then apply for ILR sometime after the 8th February 2011 and before the 13th April 2011. You won't be able to able to apply for British citizenship until at least march 2012 and it is not certain what the rules will be at that point.

    Most people I know just bought the book and learnt the relevant sections to pass the life in the UK. Though if you feel your english could do with improving you could take a course instead.

  5. #5
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    At the moment it is looking like the new rules won't be implemented until July 2011. So assuming this is the case what you need to do is take the life in the uk test, and then apply for ILR sometime after the 8th February 2011 and before the 13th April 2011. You won't be able to able to apply for British citizenship until at least march 2012 and it is not certain what the rules will be at that point.

    Most people I know just bought the book and learnt the relevant sections to pass the life in the UK. Though if you feel your english could do with improving you could take a course instead.
    hello there darren b. are you filipina or filipino or a partner of filipina..?? hehe let me thank you first for responcing my thread. i just have a questions. when i have to take the life in the uk test?? coz in my understanding correct me if im wrong, that i need to apply ILR before atleast to end my spouse visa is that right? and by the way what is ILR?? so brisitsh citizenship can only apply after you have been here in 3yrs?? is that right?? and last questions darren... were planning to go home next yr in phili. i know that there is limitations period staying for me since that im going to start a life in uk and my question is how long should i stay outside of the uk or staying in philippines??

    a very much thank you in advance for all info you will give to me...

  6. #6
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    hello there darren b. are you filipina or filipino or a partner of filipina..?? hehe let me thank you first for responcing my thread. i just have a questions. when i have to take the life in the uk test?? coz in my understanding correct me if im wrong, that i need to apply ILR before atleast to end my spouse visa is that right? and by the way what is ILR?? so brisitsh citizenship can only apply after you have been here in 3yrs?? is that right?? and last questions darren... were planning to go home next yr in phili. i know that there is limitations period staying for me since that im going to start a life in uk and my question is how long should i stay outside of the uk or staying in philippines??

    a very much thank you in advance for all info you will give to me...
    ILR - Indefinite Leave to Remain... You must apply ILR within 28 days before your spouse visa ends.

    Life in the UK test, you can take the test at anytime as there's no expiration on its certificate. Just don't lost the certificate because its one of the important doc to apply ILR, without this your application will be refused, and if you lost the certificate, you'll have to take another test and pay the fee again.

    British CItizenship - you can only apply this after 3yrs in UK, means on the whole 3 yrs you mustn't breach any Immigration rules ei. overstay your visa.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  7. #7
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Pocahontas, I think the best way for you to do is to go to HOme Office website and go to a visa section.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Pocahontas, I think the best way for you to do is to go to HOme Office website and go to a visa section.
    hello ms.lady j. its nice to hear from you again bout my concern. i think its good info that you already give to me but then i will still check the home office website...just like what you said.. so i will just type in google the homeoffice and then the website will shown to me right..


    BTW why lady.J what is the j of the lady? hehe just out of curious.. though its out my business

  9. #9
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    hello ms.lady j. its nice to hear from you again bout my concern. i think its good info that you already give to me but then i will still check the home office website...just like what you said.. so i will just type in google the homeoffice and then the website will shown to me right..


    BTW why lady.J what is the j of the lady? hehe just out of curious.. though its out my business
    This is what you need
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  10. #10
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    BTW why lady.J what is the j of the lady? hehe just out of curious.. though its out my business
    Lady because Im a lady J - my initial
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  11. #11
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=LadyJ;160785]Lady because Im a lady J - my initial[/QUO

    hello again ms.lady j. ok initial is j...maybe for jojo hehe joke. id check last night the website you gave to me and i find its really helpfull ofcours though my husband told me that he alreadyread that before i came here...well id just want to find out by my self things that we need to sort out.

    thanks again for the reply.. today im going to find a job well try again..its been hard to find a job here specially when you really not yet familiar here and the language english makes me bleeding and my ears getting reddish when they start to talk to me.....but so far i can still manage and im just enjoyig it which i dont want to take it serious.......but now i have to take it serious coz i dont want to waste anymore chances....

    GOOD DAY...

  12. #12
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Lady because Im a lady J - my initial[/QUO

    hello again ms.lady j. ok initial is j...maybe for jojo hehe joke. id check last night the website you gave to me and i find its really helpfull ofcours though my husband told me that he alreadyread that before i came here...well id just want to find out by my self things that we need to sort out.

    thanks again for the reply.. today im going to find a job well try again..its been hard to find a job here specially when you really not yet familiar here and the language english makes me bleeding and my ears getting reddish when they start to talk to me.....but so far i can still manage and im just enjoyig it which i dont want to take it serious.......but now i have to take it serious coz i dont want to waste anymore chances....

    GOOD DAY...
    DOn't worry soon enough you'll learn more english and get use to understand english accent..(never mind the welsh and sco-ish) It takes a lot of time and its not ur fault because english is not our first language so dont be feel sorry to yourself. Even myself/others and engslish spoken people gets a mistake writing and speaking english. the most important is you can speak and understand quite good of english unlike others ie. polish are really bad!

    About the job, yes it is hard to find a job specially this time of crisis and if you don't have much experience, i suggest to you is to gain experience here in UK from ie. cleaning, waitress etc.. Remember there's always says 'kapag may tinanim may aanihin' or try and try (til u die) til u succeed

    Goodluck nalang!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  13. #13
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    DOn't worry soon enough you'll learn more english and get use to understand english accent..(never mind the welsh and sco-ish) It takes a lot of time and its not ur fault because english is not our first language so dont be feel sorry to yourself. Even myself/others and engslish spoken people gets a mistake writing and speaking english. the most important is you can speak and understand quite good of english unlike others ie. polish are really bad!

    About the job, yes it is hard to find a job specially this time of crisis and if you don't have much experience, i suggest to you is to gain experience here in UK from ie. cleaning, waitress etc.. Remember there's always says 'kapag may tinanim may aanihin' or try and try (til u die) til u succeed

    Hello. Ms.Lady J. goodmorning.. before i came here in uk i know that i will have a tough one getting job so dont worry bec. one of my favorite (mottos in life is just keep going no harm in trying...) just like everybody else.. your right. im confidence that sooner or later english for me ill get to use it besides im only 4months here. i went to my coach employment yesterday and she was told me that im a quite good english than otherelse who just came here in the uk like me...thats good compliment from her ..hehe ang sarap pakinggan for me.. anyway just drop to say hi and thanks for the message. HAVE A SUNSHINE DAY TODAY...

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