
DOn't worry soon enough you'll learn more english and get use to understand english accent..(never mind the welsh and sco-ish) It takes a lot of time and its not ur fault because english is not our first language so dont be feel sorry to yourself. Even myself/others and engslish spoken people gets a mistake writing and speaking english. the most important is you can speak and understand quite good of english unlike others ie. polish are really bad!

About the job, yes it is hard to find a job specially this time of crisis and if you don't have much experience, i suggest to you is to gain experience here in UK from ie. cleaning, waitress etc.. Remember there's always says 'kapag may tinanim may aanihin' or try and try (til u die) til u succeed

Hello. Ms.Lady J. goodmorning.. before i came here in uk i know that i will have a tough one getting job so dont worry bec. one of my favorite (mottos in life is just keep going no harm in trying...) just like everybody else.. your right. im confidence that sooner or later english for me ill get to use it besides im only 4months here. i went to my coach employment yesterday and she was told me that im a quite good english than otherelse who just came here in the uk like me...thats good compliment from her ..hehe ang sarap pakinggan for me.. anyway just drop to say hi and thanks for the message. HAVE A SUNSHINE DAY TODAY...