I had 2 MRI scans because of an eye condition and I thought it was a horrible experience. My head was firmly fixed inside a cage with something or other wedged down the sides to shield my ears from the noise and keep my head absolutely still. After the first sounds, that sounded like a jackhammer, finished after a few minutes, I thought, there you go, that wasn't so bad was it.
Unfortunately the noises started again and went on and on for about 20 to 30 minutes with varying frequencies of sounds and beeps. Then at last there was silence and the table slid back out of the tunnell. That's it then I thought, but it was not to be. A nurse then appeared, gave me an injection and left the room again.
The table then slid back into the tunnell and the whole exercise was repeated again........ aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhhh.
I did have another MRI scan on my knee which was OK really. Only the lower half of my body was inside the tunnell and I just lay there listening to music on the headphones, I didn't even notice how long it took to complete that one.