Just got to wait now, and me and Del are both nervous as hell
Neither of us got much sleep as we're both so excited and nervous, an dI'm certain its worse for her having to do all this. I wish I was there with her
It didnt help her this morning that the staff in VFS Manila were so cold and nasty. I'm sure they have a lot to do, but they would make their own jobs easier if they helped people through what is for most quite a scary process instead of just barking orders.
My fiancee had got it in her mind that photocopies of documents werent required, as all the documentation is supposed to be sent back, so to save carrying everything she left the copies in the hotel room (daft I know, but I can understand). She was sent back to get them saying that documents would NOT be returned, so she must have copies. When she returned they ignored the copies, took the originals, and told her they WOULD be returned after processing.
Took about 4 hrs all told (with a30 minute break in the middle to go collect the unneeded paperwork), and came out very stressed
They're still saying 3 months for approval. Waiting starts now. Hope it comes quickly.