Apple have done an excellent job of gaining a majority share in the portable music industry. I personably believe that the majority of apple products are over priced, badly manufactured, tat.

I've always had sony mp3 players myself and even after 7 years I'm still on the same one. I read in an article a while back that ipods are only designed to last for 12 months. This then forces the buyer who has been blinded by cool adverts, the media and general sheep mentality to go and buy another one without raising the question of "why after 12 months has my ipod classic of 180 quid / touch for 250 or i phone for 400 quid just stopped working / corrupted my music / blown up!!!! Also what other company can knock out a product that after 6 months they announce is below par and release an updated version with twice the capacity and half the price?! Its a wonder apple haven't been brought to task about all this before. Welcome to the blind consumer generation.

I personally refuse to be a slave to the apple machine. Thats my consumer rant over with and now some amusing vegtables in the shape of genitals