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Thread: Understanding teens...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member miss.piggy's Avatar
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    Throwing things?? You kidding me!!! Your daughter is trying to scare you, thinking that if she do what's she's doing now, then you would just bow to everything she wants. Be Margaret Thatcher for once! Don't let her get used to this sort of behaviour. If you need to ground her then so be it, but don't ever give up as she may just end up mocking you if you're not consistent.

    I am (so far) lucky with my two chikitings. My daughter is 6 turning 18, who always asked about getting married, etc . My son is 3, but baby-ish. That's just how far they go. If they've done something wrong, they're so quick to apologise and both me and my husband does not need to raise a tone to scare them. Nakukuha sa tingin, thank goodness! But how they'll be when they're 11 -- I don't know!
    "The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."

    "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

  2. #2
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss.piggy View Post
    Throwing things?? You kidding me!!! Your daughter is trying to scare you, thinking that if she do what's she's doing now, then you would just bow to everything she wants. Be Margaret Thatcher for once! Don't let her get used to this sort of behaviour. If you need to ground her then so be it, but don't ever give up as she may just end up mocking you if you're not consistent.

    I am (so far) lucky with my two chikitings. My daughter is 6 turning 18, who always asked about getting married, etc . My son is 3, but baby-ish. That's just how far they go. If they've done something wrong, they're so quick to apologise and both me and my husband does not need to raise a tone to scare them. Nakukuha sa tingin, thank goodness! But how they'll be when they're 11 -- I don't know!
    Yes miss annoying as messed around the kitchen and broken a couple of plates for asking her to wash it. I really needed to break my temper but then im not like that though im trying to be a hitler. Maybe tomorrow ill send her to a child psychologist as i must sort her problems before my dad comes back here. She almost made me crybut i know i should very very disappointed
    There once was a girl that believed in mankind, that there was still honor and chivalry that existed in everyone of us. She also believed that everyone deserves a chance to prove oneself individually and hoped that the courtesy would be returned. That girl is dead now, and all that is left is her shadow. To give one a chance to prove thyself is a chance for you to become dwindled in the dissappointment.

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