I can't believe SSS will send a representative in the UK who doesn't know how to handle enquiries properly!!!
I am enquiring about the Flexi Fund, which they offered on their letter when I've decided to continue my contributions. I, ofcourse, look at investments just like normal people would -- like ask how much the interest will be and how easy would it be to access my funds when I needed it. He replied to me and said they are not a bank and if I'm just putting some money that I will widthraw just like how I widthraw my funds from my bank then just forget it. He said if I am not sure about this additional payments, then just don't go for it. His tone is unpleasant and disrespectful.
Where did that come from?? I thought when I phoned them, all I wanted to know is how I can pay extra as I want some more for my retirement which won't happen for the next 34 years. I think I have changed my mind now. It's such a waste of time!