Be careful answering the door to those you don't know. Have you got one of those chains to stop the door opening fully? Always use if you don't know or are not expecting anyone. No professional such as a plumber, gas man or meter reader will not be offended if you ask for id and open the door with a chain on especially if a Female. In fact i think most would think that as the normal thing to do and would advise their own family to do.
The sign should stop any professional door to door sales people off.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Get a big Rottweiler dog. or maybe this guard cat
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
Now lets start from Joe....
I've to include that bit because this is the point where Im so annoyed, I have to put my bra back on when there's unexpected caller, imagine that, sometimes they couldn't even wait and just keep on ringing the bell.
Good idea! I will ask that from my local council.
Honestly, Ihaven't got time to let them in and have a chat, dont really wanna waste time with them.
I can do that, but I dont want trouble.
Maybe they can smell my airbags once I took off my bra
i've got kids too, sometimes i was bathing my little boy or changing his nappy then suddenly they'll come at the same time.
Oh please tell me how to do it
Ian imagine if there's a lady just right in front of you wihtout a bra and just a top only... what would you see? (nipples)
I prefered to have a shower and have my PJ's on before I go to bed, to relax, watch tv and use my laptop from 5pm-6pm.
Thank you for the link, I will check it later and definitely find a way to stop them.
So where do you think I should put my front door?right now im thinking to stick some sharp thingy on my door ie. nails or barbwire
Thanks for the warning
Last year, I've been slightly harrassed when I didn't accept the offer of the door-to-door milk man.![]()
Not an expert, I only try to help.
Is the milkman like Dougal here? And do you answer the door like this lady?? 2 pints!
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
The problem with putting up no cold calling stickers is that a lot of the knockers are either brass necked or illiterate Pikeys
I once had a knock at the door, I tripped and fell down the stairs on the way to answer the door, sprained my ankle really bad, and then, limped to open the door, two jehovah witnesses standing there, asking if I want to talk about God,
True story that!![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
get your family to pee in a bucket and keep it by the front and when they call shout tagalog at them and pour the bucket over them?![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
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