Just come back from China where my best mate has just married a lady from the Philipines (I played matchmaker 2 years ago..hehehe) My missus met me there again, the first time in 14 months...wow...it was just like the first time we ever met..my head went around and my heart was thumping very heavily in my chest...I love her so..so.. much...cannot wait until Xmas when I go back for Good...The BIG Plus was..I met my little boy for the first time...he's so..so..gwapo (just like me...hehehe) I had tears welling up straight away...I even changed his nappy (hate Diaper..stupid word)..I have been amazed by the fact that my missus has waited so long for me...in the Uk. the ladies maybe wait a couple of week then off they go..(well..not all of them) Everything was great until we all departed at HK. airport...then tears abounded..I arrived back in Bradford...then the depression set in...The difference in the way of life and the attitude of the people are so..so different..I'm begining to hate this place...Only someone from Bradford can understand why....anyway...I had a lovely time and I thank God that I eventually found my missus after 50 odd years of searching...My son now has a Filipina G/F....Soon we will have a Branch of the MacDonald clan over there...![]()