Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
Those of you that have read my recent posts about marikit will know what Pia and I have been going through with our new baby. Well that has all changed and boy has it!

It began 3 days ago while I was in London. Pia told me Marikit had suddenly started rolloing over and over. This was new as previously she had rolled over by accident from time to time but now she was doing it with intent. I was also told that she had slept for 5 hours and that she awoke without crying That was unheard of previously, Pia also said that she put marikit down and she lay on her back contentedly until falling asleep

Since i've been home, it's true. Our baby has turned a corner. I was able to hug my wife whilst in bed for the first time since the baby was born.. Who knows what's next!

Life is suddenly so much better!!
that's a good news... atleast pia and u can rest even just for a while...