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    Member Darren's Avatar
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    Red face

    I live in the Philippines (Cavite). I have been back and fourth for the past three years and just spent 15 months straight at home in Cavite.

    To be honest I want to stay in the Philippines and not bother to come here at all BUT, my asawa of almost three years wants to live here for a while & to be fare that's OK by me!
    Now the tricky part is I have lived and worked abroad (Middle East) for a number of years now, I have no savings yet in a British bank, and no property in the UK. And how can I show any TAX records? I don't pay any Tax

    Now I can get a rental property and put money in the bank but, as to work history I can't prove it

    I arrived two weeks ago LHR And am now temporarily staying with parents till fixed up with a rental (Won't buy dito!) I have not the faintest idea how I can get my asawa dito talaga!

    What made me laugh anyway I watched UK border control what a laugh!!! How do they get away with it???

    I only want to bring my anganda asawa dito who can speak better English than me (I am English) to live here for a few years! Whilst not sponging of the state like the government here!

    And she don't want to visit Birmingham Palace (for those of you who saw that episode of border control lol)


    I forgot to mention we have a three year old daughter who has to under go a DNA test to be registered here! (Shocking)!!! its...

    Just been looking at info for getting a visa for my wife on here, looks like i have no chance!!! and to the lot of those hahahaha I bet the one who made those rules up is a single public school boy who's hahaha and never had a lay in his life! poor

    I would like to say however that this site is a wealth of info and thanx for all the helpful advise given talaga!

    Shafted by my own country!

    Well I expected nothing less! People living here who can't string an English conversation together living off benefits??? I can see why I got out a long time ago!!!

    Looks like I'm a right moaning but I can't help seeing what is happening here!

    I would like to say thanx to those people who have replied to my post with helpful and friendly advice!

    I do have to mention however hahaha-hahaha PMSL the nugget who likes to earn points by replying to hahahaha everyone's posts! Pity I didn't read after the first string of a sentence it was utter dribble hahaha I only had to look after, at all the posts made by it to realise I was right! Your in the wrong forum you need Blue Peter! No badges here!!! You must have been looking in the mirror when you put your profile picture on hahahaha Best laugh I've had all day Thanx!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Hey Darren..Where in Cavite??
    We may be neighbours!!
    Do I think you should go back? HELL NO.. Big mistake in present climate..
    Relax..Have a few bottles of SMB and get your thinking in gear man!

  3. #3
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    i think you hit the nail on head with one sentence SHAFTED BY YOUR OWN COUNTRY


  4. #4
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    here what you say Darren,
    I am only back 18 months and my honey and I are already considering a return to the Phils sooner rather than as intended in about four or five years time. So many things here seem unfair and intended to prevent you from actually having a decent life whilst encouraging all sorts of behaviours that just undermine what British culture was known to be. I am often ashamed even in more well to do areas of the litter, graffiti, groups of zombie like teenagers seemingly with "nothing to do" and my wife has on more than occasion been shocked by the current British working class culture as exhibited by driving down the promenade at Blackpool recently on a saturday night before the Barrio Fiesta.

    Having said that she has been stunned by the natural scenery of Western Scotland, Parts of Wales and Cumbria and in particular the coastline of North Cornwall. The UK would be better if just could return to appropriate values of respect, duty, social responsibility and and understanding our obligations to contribute to our society.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  5. #5
    Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    here what you say Darren,
    I am only back 18 months and my honey and I are already considering a return to the Phils sooner rather than as intended in about four or five years time. So many things here seem unfair and intended to prevent you from actually having a decent life whilst encouraging all sorts of behaviours that just undermine what British culture was known to be. I am often ashamed even in more well to do areas of the litter, graffiti, groups of zombie like teenagers seemingly with "nothing to do" and my wife has on more than occasion been shocked by the current British working class culture as exhibited by driving down the promenade at Blackpool recently on a saturday night before the Barrio Fiesta.

    Having said that she has been stunned by the natural scenery of Western Scotland, Parts of Wales and Cumbria and in particular the coastline of North Cornwall. The UK would be better if just could return to appropriate values of respect, duty, social responsibility and and understanding our obligations to contribute to our society.

    Thank you for your time to reply! I don't blame you for wanting to go back home!
    If only people new what the UK is really like!!! They deffo would not come to this Hole! Did you notice how people here go out of their way to help you (I don't think so) lol. And the people try to make something of themselves here only to be trodden on by the government, taxed and re-taxed on everything its unbelievable the way this the UK has ended up! It must be a terrifying experience to come to the UK and end up in a bad area & have to put up with all the that goes with it!

    British cultures long dead and buried! And I am mystified as to why anyone in their right mind would want to stay here, cause you know how hospitable people are dito (NOT)!

    I am not slagging the Brits cause being an expat for years I believe all the cream of the crop are now happy mostly TAX FREE and living happily abroad end of!

    Thanx mate for letting me rant on lol! I'm a fun loving guy talaga, walang bala promise!

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post

    Thank you for your time to reply! I don't blame you for wanting to go back home!
    If only people new what the UK is really like!!! They deffo would not come to this Hole! Did you notice how people here go out of their way to help you (I don't think so) lol. And the people try to make something of themselves here only to be trodden on by the government, taxed and re-taxed on everything its unbelievable the way this the UK has ended up! It must be a terrifying experience to come to the UK and end up in a bad area & have to put up with all the that goes with it!

    British cultures long dead and buried! And I am mystified as to why anyone in their right mind would want to stay here, cause you know how hospitable people are dito (NOT)!

    I am not slagging the Brits cause being an expat for years I believe all the cream of the crop are now happy mostly TAX FREE and living happily abroad end of!

    Thanx mate for letting me rant on lol! I'm a fun loving guy talaga, walang bala promise!
    good ridance but you wont come back when you get old and ill will you

    lets hope all those who think the same can leave too!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #7
    Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post

    i think you hit the nail on head with one sentence SHAFTED BY YOUR OWN COUNTRY

    Hahaha cheers! I'll have another for you my friend I see there are even nonsense people who have squirmed their way onto this site!!! with there nonsense crap! You always get them they have to feel important by posting on everyone's comments with nonsense things PMSL Lol must think I would even bother to give them the time of day!

    Thanx Trader Dave! I'll have a pitcher for you!!!

  8. #8
    Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Hey Darren..Where in Cavite??
    We may be neighbours!!
    Do I think you should go back? HELL NO.. Big mistake in present climate..
    Relax..Have a few bottles of SMB and get your thinking in gear man!
    Thanx Fred, I stay in Summerfield at the moment, we are planning to buy in Imus though, much better the traffic to Manila.
    What about you Fred where you staying? A few expats I know around Cavite, we usually meet up for a BBQ and good drink most weekends!

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Thanx Fred, I stay in Summerfield at the moment, we are planning to buy in Imus though, much better the traffic to Manila.
    What about you Fred where you staying? A few expats I know around Cavite, we usually meet up for a BBQ and good drink most weekends!

    This is our place (in Imus) ..About 5 mins walk from Robinsons..
    The Mrs is there now but Im here in Bohol still constructing our nipa hut etc..
    Youll have to let me know where you meet up and I`ll pop in when Im in town..

  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    did you not think about when you come back the problems you will have,before you left?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Bornatbirth, not sure if your qustion was for or Darren.In my case I actually did a personal SWOT analysis and reckoned that fresh air to breathe for our baby and a decent sized garden to play in(we lived in Hong Kong on the 52nd floor of a 1200sq ft apartment) plus the opportunity to show my wife around Europes cities and mountains and coastlines would offset the yob culture, high taxes and dismal weather. What surprised me was how hard it was after being away a few years.... you drop off all censuses and credit checking systems and you have to re establish that you are ordinarily resident in the UK even when you are British citizen!!!

    In any event it is easy to be critical of the UK having lived in places like Singapore and Hong Kong where basically public services work and are efficient but the real issue in the UK for me is the lack of parental responsibility combined with a nanny state where even competitive sport at school is bad because poor Johnny might not be a winner and will emotionally scarred for life!!!!
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i was thinking more...that if you leave the country then you need to take everything into consideration so you dont end up like darren a little bit miffed off.

    i know it seems easy to pack up and go but i cant help feeling im better off here,i guess im getting older and with a new wife..she comes first.
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    I live in the Philippines (Cavite). I have been back and fourth for the past three years and just spent 15 months straight at home in Cavite.

    To be honest I want to stay in the Philippines and not bother to come here at all BUT, my asawa of almost three years wants to live here for a while & to be fare that's OK by me!
    Welcome. My 'gut instinct' would be to say, if YOU'RE perfectly happy living where you are in the Phils ... then WHY NOT continue to stay there. Clearly though, your asawa has different ideas. And therein lies the problem ...

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the embassy asked you for a DNA test to be done ?

    why don't you just apply for a passport forget the registration.

    usually they wouldn't ask you for DNA test unless they have a reason to

  15. #15
    Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the embassy asked you for a DNA test to be done ?

    why don't you just apply for a passport forget the registration.

    usually they wouldn't ask you for DNA test unless they have a reason to
    I'll look into that thanx!!!

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    my asawa of almost three years wants to live here for a while & to be fare that's OK by me!
    Now the tricky part is I have lived and worked abroad (Middle East) for a number of years now, I have no savings yet in a British bank, and no property in the UK. And how can I show any TAX records? I don't pay any Tax

    Now I can get a rental property and put money in the bank but, as to work history I can't prove it

    I arrived two weeks ago LHR And am now temporarily staying with parents till fixed up with a rental (Won't buy dito!) I have not the faintest idea how I can get my asawa dito talaga!

    Just been looking at info for getting a visa for my wife on here, looks like i have no chance!!!site is a wealth of info and thanx for all the helpful advise given talaga![/U] [/CENTER]
    ... the fact that you've been living and working overseas - and hence not contributed to the British Government's coffers by way of paying income tax - for so long WILL, unless I'm very much mistaken, render it extremely difficult [if not well-nigh impossible] for your good lady to be granted a spousal visa at this point in time. But then, it seems you are already aware of that from the research you've undertaken.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... the fact that you've been living and working overseas - and hence not contributed to the British Government's coffers by way of paying income tax - for so long WILL, unless I'm very much mistaken, render it extremely difficult [if not well-nigh impossible] for your good lady to be granted a spousal visa at this point in time. But then, it seems you are already aware of that from the research you've undertaken.
    So true my friend have looked into it your so correct! Thank you

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to have painted such a gloomy picture, my friend. But what I've just said reflects the situation as I see it ... based on the information you've provided - in tandem with your own (obviously extensive) trawl through the relevant websites. Unfair though the 'System' might appear (and God knows, I've had occasion to "curse" it myself - still DO sometimes) we ALL have to accept it exists for reasons best-understood by our political masters.

    Good luck to you and your family ... whatever you eventually decide to do!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I'm sorry to have painted such a gloomy picture, my friend. But what I've just said reflects the situation as I see it ... based on the information you've provided - in tandem with your own (obviously extensive) trawl through the relevant websites. Unfair though the 'System' might appear (and God knows, I've had occasion to "curse" it myself - still DO sometimes) we ALL have to accept it exists for reasons best-understood by our political masters.

    Good luck to you and your family ... whatever you eventually decide to do!

    Thanx Arthur, Yes I except the situation my friend, there's not a blighter I can do about it!!! I just wanted a little rant!!! I'm quite happy to stay in the Philippines And have had a good laugh at some of the replies!!! Except the points awarded to me For every post head But you know yourself there's always one hahaha! Good luck to you and yours SMB back at ya!

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    we ALL have to accept it exists for reasons best-understood by our political masters.
    I have no intention of accepting anything of the sort!! Never have and never will..
    Your political masters are IMO Aurthur a bunch of self serving crooks..

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I have no intention of accepting anything of the sort!! Never have and never will..
    Your political masters are IMO Aurthur a bunch of self serving crooks..
    and your living in one of the most corrupt countries in the world

    i'll believe you the day they find brown has hidden billions of £ of tax payers money in Swiss bank accounts

  22. #22
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and your living in one of the most corrupt countries in the world

    i'll believe you the day they find brown has hidden billions of £ of tax payers money in Swiss bank accounts

    Joe.. My money is my own here and I choose how to spend it.. I dont have the UK nanny politicians taking it from me for my own good!!
    How many other stealth taxes have they thought up since my departure??
    Ohhhh....Its scary....I dont want to know.

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Joe.. My money is my own here and I choose how to spend it.. I dont have the UK nanny politicians taking it from me for my own good!!
    How many other stealth taxes have they thought up since my departure??
    Ohhhh....Its scary....I dont want to know.
    same here Fred, i can spend me money on what ever i like, but i don't need a stash of brown envelopes at the ready .

    and at least in the UK my misses can buy and own a house

    there good and bad things about both countries, but for now the UK is our home, but maybe in 5yrs or so , we'll go and live in the phils for a year, then come back to the UK.

    I don't think there is anything wrong complaining about living in the UK, especially when european living in the UK have in some cases more rights than British citizens and about the real gov the Brussel sprouts.

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