Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Joe.. My money is my own here and I choose how to spend it.. I dont have the UK nanny politicians taking it from me for my own good!!
How many other stealth taxes have they thought up since my departure??
Ohhhh....Its scary....I dont want to know.
same here Fred, i can spend me money on what ever i like, but i don't need a stash of brown envelopes at the ready .

and at least in the UK my misses can buy and own a house

there good and bad things about both countries, but for now the UK is our home, but maybe in 5yrs or so , we'll go and live in the phils for a year, then come back to the UK.

I don't think there is anything wrong complaining about living in the UK, especially when european living in the UK have in some cases more rights than British citizens and about the real gov the Brussel sprouts.