Quote Originally Posted by victrnr View Post
hi all, my name is Vic. I have a freind in Cebu who would like to come to the Uk to live and work. Any advice you can give as to what she must do will be helpful. She is a certified "caregiver" in Cebu but wants to know if this would be valid here and how she can obtain working visa!
Thanking you all in anticipation, Vic Turner
Welcome, Vic. It would appear that the only available means open to your friend is likely to be the 'Student Visa' route. And I'm afraid I know next to nothing about how to qualify for one of those, unfortunately. But Darren-b's post [which I've quoted again below] will already have given you some idea of what she's "up against". Perhaps it might be worth checking an NVQ Website applicable to foreign nationals. I reckon there must be at least several on the internet.

Sorry I cannot offer any further assistance, other than to wish her Good luck!

Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
All the Filipinos I know who have come to the UK recently to work as caregivers have come on student visas to do a NVQ. A student visa requires the holder to study and does place some restrictions on the number of hours that can be worked.