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Thread: Doom and Gloom Job market

  1. #1
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    Doom and Gloom Job market

    I am new this site, and am logged on using my husbands account.

    I met my future husband a few years ago while he was on a visit to Bacolod.
    In between my studies (Degree in Comparative literature and nursing) my then boyfriend turned fiance flew back to me for visits
    It was a beautiful romantic time of my life with holidays in Boracay and Malaysia.

    I love him so much and wanted to be together that after i passed my nursing board exam last year we decided to apply for a fiance visa.
    I was successful and and now happily married in Croydon.

    I sacrificed my career to be here and did not even have a year's experience in a large hospital. It appears that every way i turn i get blocked

    I wanted to apply to do NVQ Courses, i have to be married a year in the UK to get home status
    I wanted to apply to Universities for 2 year nursing diploma, but wasnt allowed as i need an NHS bursary. i cant get that until i am here 3 years.
    I cant register with the NMC as i didnt have a year experience back home.
    I cant even apply for a nursing adaptation course because i need pre NMC approval.

    With so many nurses needed i wonder why there are so obstacles. i just want to work and help my husband with finances
    I am now waiting for my Spouse visa from the home office. it could take weeks!!! I think i am going mad staying at home
    It would be lovely to hear from anybody with the same experience.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Cant you just take any job for the meantime Croydons not exactly the best part of Surrey but I know there are plenty of employment opportunites if your not too fussy Surely you can get some sort of job?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    My Vimvie has expressed frustrations much the same as yours, it was a long time before she managed to get an income, her family in Philippines were putting pressure on her to give them more money, she now works in a care home, has made friends with many other filipino's that work there!

    So hang in there! Things will come good for you, it's just taking a bit longer (or maybe a lot longer!) than you thought.

    Isn't Croydon a fascinating multicultural place? There are many important offices there, I bet you go to the big Chinese store Wing Yips don't you? They sell fresh fish there, produce of Philippines! But you will get shocked at the price!

    It all comes good! it's all worth the wait!

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  4. #4
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    Thank you for your kind support.
    I hope it will all come good eventually. Is Vimvie able to register with the NMC?
    I expect i will have to start at the bottom and work as a care assistant in a nursing home instead of a nurse in hospital.
    I would be interested to now how Vimvie Coped? Yes i have used Wing Zip, its great, also i went to stores in Earls Court to buy some goodies...and ate Sinigang in the local restaurant.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my misses knows how you feel

    shes a registered doc in the phils, the GMC make IMG's here do IELTS, PLAB1 and PLAB2 exams...

    after more than 4yrs of being in the uk, hopefully she will pass part 2 end of OCT.(she failed part 2 by just 1 station in jun )

    the GMC make it so hard, expensive and time wise, so long to pass these exams (4 month wait to take part 2 ) cost upto now must be £3,500 in books, exams fee, train and hotel room.

    she knows a few filipinos who gave up, its easier just to give up, and watch tv and moan about it. my wife has 2 kids (9 and 2yrs old to look after - as well as me ), she also works part time for the NHS (after a long struggle find a job, any job- she was lucky getting a good job at the local hospital) and finds little time to study, but her heart is working as a doc - a dream she has had since she was a small kid

    but she will not give up, slowly but surely she will get there, no matter what, quitting is not an option. good luck and don't give up

    you will get there in the end

  6. #6
    Respected Member miss.piggy's Avatar
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    Hi Pugilist,

    Sorry to hear your frustrations...but, look at it on a good side. You have all the knowhow you need as you've finished your degree in the Philippines. It's just a matter of time, and everything will sort itself out for you. Why not look for a job at care homes for the meantime while you are waiting? I know someone who is working for one of the many care homes here in England, while she's taking her NVQ (Liza, I'm so proud of you!). I know quite a few nurses as well who chose to work for care homes. It may be a start to eliminate your boredom and at the same time earn some cash. Hope things work out for you the soonest!
    "The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."

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  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    .... my good lady is in a similar position, awaiting the FLR.

    As you can see, we're in Beckenham..... a tram ride away !

    She'd be very happy to share a coffee (or halo halo) with u one afternoon.

    PM me (if u can... do your options allow ?) ... or u should be able to work out an e-mail address.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    .... my good lady is in a similar position, awaiting the FLR.

    As you can see, we're in Beckenham..... a tram ride away !

    She'd be very happy to share a coffee (or halo halo) with u one afternoon.

    PM me (if u can... do your options allow ?) ... or u should be able to work out an e-mail address.

    Its comforting to know that others are in a similar position as me.
    It would be great to meet your good lady for a chat. my yahoo address is

  9. #9
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    cant offer any advice on the job front but i can tell you there are many pilipina in the croydon area i used to go to many gatherings up there

    so you will have plenty of friends

  10. #10
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    My wife came here at the end of September 2006 and had completed a 6 month caregiver course in Phils. After working as a domestic assisistant (cleaner) since Feb 2007, she has just got a job with the NHS as a care assistant and is waiting for the CRB checks to complete before she can start her new job.

    During the time she was a domestic assistant, she just continued to apply for jobs more closely related to her training and she never once gave up hope.


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    My wife came here at the end of September 2006 and had completed a 6 month caregiver course in Phils. After working as a domestic assisistant (cleaner) since Feb 2007, she has just got a job with the NHS as a care assistant and is waiting for the CRB checks to complete before she can start her new job.

    During the time she was a domestic assistant, she just continued to apply for jobs more closely related to her training and she never once gave up hope.

    Thank you for your encouragement. i will try and do the same and apply to my local hospital (Mayday) I wonder whether i will even get an interview as the only experience i have is my 4 year nursing degree in the Phil. But as you say i shouldnt give up hope.
    It shouldnt be long before my FLR Spouse visa arrives and then i can really start job hunting....

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