I am new this site, and am logged on using my husbands account.

I met my future husband a few years ago while he was on a visit to Bacolod.
In between my studies (Degree in Comparative literature and nursing) my then boyfriend turned fiance flew back to me for visits
It was a beautiful romantic time of my life with holidays in Boracay and Malaysia.

I love him so much and wanted to be together that after i passed my nursing board exam last year we decided to apply for a fiance visa.
I was successful and and now happily married in Croydon.

I sacrificed my career to be here and did not even have a year's experience in a large hospital. It appears that every way i turn i get blocked

I wanted to apply to do NVQ Courses, i have to be married a year in the UK to get home status
I wanted to apply to Universities for 2 year nursing diploma, but wasnt allowed as i need an NHS bursary. i cant get that until i am here 3 years.
I cant register with the NMC as i didnt have a year experience back home.
I cant even apply for a nursing adaptation course because i need pre NMC approval.

With so many nurses needed i wonder why there are so obstacles. i just want to work and help my husband with finances
I am now waiting for my Spouse visa from the home office. it could take weeks!!! I think i am going mad staying at home
It would be lovely to hear from anybody with the same experience.