I live in the Philippines (Cavite). I have been back and fourth for the past three years and just spent 15 months straight at home in Cavite. 
To be honest I want to stay in the Philippines and not bother to come here at all BUT, my asawa of almost three years wants to live here for a while & to be fare that's OK by me!
Now the tricky part is I have lived and worked abroad (Middle East) for a number of years now, I have no savings yet in a British bank, and no property in the UK.
And how can I show any TAX records? I don't pay any Tax 
Now I can get a rental property and put money in the bank but, as to work history I can't prove it
I arrived two weeks ago LHR
And am now temporarily staying with parents till fixed up with a rental (Won't buy dito!) I have not the faintest idea how I can get my asawa dito talaga! 
What made me laugh anyway I watched UK border control what a
How do they get away with it???
I only want to bring my anganda asawa dito who can speak better English than me (I am English) to live here for a few years! Whilst not sponging of the state like the government here! 
And she don't want to visit Birmingham Palace (for those of you who saw that episode of border control lol) 
I forgot to mention we have a three year old daughter who has to under go a DNA test to be registered here! (Shocking)!!! its...
Just been looking at info for getting a visa for my wife on here, looks like i have no
chance!!! and
to the lot of those
hahahaha I bet the one who made those
rules up is a single public school boy who's
hahaha and never had a lay in his life! poor
I would like to say however that this site is a wealth of info and thanx for all the helpful advise given talaga! 
Shafted by my own country!
Well I expected nothing less! People living here who can't string an English conversation together living off benefits??? I can see why I got out a long time ago!!!
Looks like I'm a right moaning
but I can't help seeing what is happening here!
I would like to say thanx to those people who have replied to my post with helpful and friendly advice!
I do have to mention however hahaha-hahaha PMSL

the nugget who likes to earn points by replying to hahahaha

everyone's posts! Pity I didn't read after the first string of a sentence it was utter dribble hahaha

I only had to look after, at all the posts made by it to realise I was right!

Your in the wrong forum you need Blue Peter! No badges here!!!

You must have been looking in the mirror when you put your profile picture on hahahaha

Best laugh I've had all day Thanx!!!