Sooooooooooooo HAPPPYYYYYYY!!!! Thanks MRS Major for this whole thread and i hope this thread carries on for AGES!!!!! (you should christen it with your name somehow as youre the birth mother to this thread!!!)

i have one question,

Now that the missus has her very important little sticker (Visa) in her passport, and as she has already been to and worked in Dubai, does she still have to get the CFO sticker?

What are the next steps apart from booking flights and getting on your booked flight?

THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MICK, havent said a proper well done since you officaially posted, so.... well done and congrats!!!

everyone else who is waiting, your time will come (sooner than for us aprilians i hope!!!) At the end of the waiting is a massive awesome feeling so hold on to that thought!!!!

Take it easy and I shall speak to you in a bit!!!!!!!!!!!