Quote Originally Posted by Tonet View Post
On my first few months here it was sooo hard, i used to cry everyday. I dont know anyone aside from philip's family and 1 pinay friend, different surroundings, different kind of foods,and i missed my mother so bad. It didnt help that i was stuck at home (not allowed to work on fiancee visa). cant go out on my own because i'm not comfortable talking to people as my english was'nt that good and i dont undesrtand scottish accent.
Tonet, I can't believe when you said your english was not so good before -- it is now perfect!!!

Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
Pinay in the UK

Time to be serious. This is especially for those Filipina's who have been here around a year or less. How have you found the UK, what is it like, do you miss home, have you made a mistake? Etc.....
I've been in the UK for more than 2 years. So far, I'm doing well with career, etc. But a part of me is longing for a more active social life. I sometimes think that it would have been perfect to have a cuppa with a friend or group of friends once a week, or atleast someone to go shopping with.

I understand Mrs Daddy's (and Maria's) opinion though. I have lived in HK for a few good years and met the most vicious pinays. But at the same time, I met a few professionals and previous domestic helpers who's married Brits, Aussies, etc. who are all equally intellectual and very nice people. Over the years, they became my support group and I would not honestly say that i've had a few good years there without them. This is something that I am missing here in the UK. Most pinays in our area are nurses, and their scheds are all over the place, so it's difficult to catch them around. Some I just get to see once or twice a year!