Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
I used to use Prolog in the 80's, and machine code on CPM systems That's going back a bit!
I've still got a rair black box, cpm puter from about 1980, i've not turned it on since about 1981 - its got a 5mb hdd

The boards on this model would sometimes come free from the mother board during transit. The engineer would arrive from Rair, wait for the client to leave the room, and then simply drop the computer from about two inches off the desk to re-install the system.


yes 8085 processor.

Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
I've never really coded in assembler although oddly enough I dug out one of my books on assembly language last night

As you say just you and the processor but you have to know the processor intimately

As for SQL, I bet you worked with normalised data all the time mate but I know what you mean.
i knew and still know the 6502 and z80 instruction set more intimately than the misses and thats more than 25yrs ago

sql theory is the only thing i took twice and gave up twice on , some times you need to know when to quit