well you've probably not noticed, i've not been on here for a few days
nope i haven't got a life yet or something better to do, like feed the dog
xp on my pc got really

, first time in nearly 2 yrs
when i loggoed in, it logged straight out

, tired many things, created a dummy wgaupdater, scanned it for viruses, safe mode, nothing would work
so i had to in the end replace the s/w hive with an older one
could login, most stuff appeared to work ok, messenger and azuerus , but firefox or IE wsouldn't, tired loads of fixes etc, service packs, etc. could not get it to work.

, wiped all of windows off it using mini windows xp, left me data on and reinstalled xp, just finished putting virus scanner/firewall etc back on
i've got 70gb extra free now

, 70gb worth of kids games which have been installed over 2yrs are gone
works great now

lost nothing but the time it took to re-install xp and the utils.
my misses had more than 6gb of photos on it