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  1. #1
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Depends how it died Iain, a dead IDE or SATA interface on the drive can be pretty fatal at least it's not easy to fix, definitely a return to a specialist for a new board assuming the specific board is still available.
    I have managed to recover a few myself by swapping the board from an identical disk. Where I work we tend to stock the same particular model and size of disk for quite a while and when we upgrade, we keep all the old disks just in case we need to recover an identical one.

    We deal with academics, professors etc and for all their cleverness, they quite often complete idiots when it comes to computers. We always advise them to make regular backups of all important data and they all have plenty of space on our data servers which are backed up to tape daily, but our advice seems to fall on deaf ears most of the time.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    We deal with academics, professors etc and for all their cleverness, they quite often complete idiots when it comes to computers. We always advise them to make regular backups of all important data and they all have plenty of space on our data servers which are backed up to tape daily, but our advice seems to fall on deaf ears most of the time.

    As a coder I put too much effort into writing code to ever take the chance of losing it I've occasionally lost a couple of hours work but never lost anything serious.

    These days I am using Microsoft's Live Mesh to sync my code and anything else that is really important to me.

    Live mesh is impressive it's still a beta but it's one of a whole slew of products that show that Microsoft has woken up again and is starting to get things right for once.


  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    As a coder I put too much effort into writing code to ever take the chance of losing it I've occasionally lost a couple of hours work but never lost anything serious.

    These days I am using Microsoft's Live Mesh to sync my code and anything else that is really important to me.

    Live mesh is impressive it's still a beta but it's one of a whole slew of products that show that Microsoft has woken up again and is starting to get things right for once.

    Word MS are waking up theres another product I was shown a while back (ok a few weeks ago but time flies) which once i recall what it is i will mention on here because at the time i thought not for us but be handy possibly for peeps on fil uk.

    Had my fair share of grief with applications recently one in particular where the databases and servers are in the US. Application designed and mainly created in Japan along with third parties doing outsource worked in other places while the core market at the moment is the UK then Europe and onwards. Headaches galore but hey I got to do a bit of flying Sitting on a plane no phone, no emails just abook or a kip while being paid is the life

    The various Programing teams live in a dream world it seems

    Back to back ups.

    HDD's in my experience have more issues if you dont shut sdown correctly of course back up but always shutdown any hardware based device.

    They frustrate me now days as my laptops are all solid state so almost forget often when suddenly confronted by a mechnical hdd device.
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  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well you've probably not noticed, i've not been on here for a few days

    nope i haven't got a life yet or something better to do, like feed the dog

    xp on my pc got really , first time in nearly 2 yrs

    when i loggoed in, it logged straight out , tired many things, created a dummy wgaupdater, scanned it for viruses, safe mode, nothing would work

    so i had to in the end replace the s/w hive with an older one

    could login, most stuff appeared to work ok, messenger and azuerus , but firefox or IE wsouldn't, tired loads of fixes etc, service packs, etc. could not get it to work.

    so , wiped all of windows off it using mini windows xp, left me data on and reinstalled xp, just finished putting virus scanner/firewall etc back on

    i've got 70gb extra free now , 70gb worth of kids games which have been installed over 2yrs are gone

    works great now :xxgrinning--00xx3

    lost nothing but the time it took to re-install xp and the utils.

    my misses had more than 6gb of photos on it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well you've probably not noticed, i've not been on here for a few days

    nope i haven't got a life yet or something better to do, like feed the dog

    xp on my pc got really , first time in nearly 2 yrs

    when i loggoed in, it logged straight out , tired many things, created a dummy wgaupdater, scanned it for viruses, safe mode, nothing would work

    so i had to in the end replace the s/w hive with an older one

    could login, most stuff appeared to work ok, messenger and azuerus , but firefox or IE wsouldn't, tired loads of fixes etc, service packs, etc. could not get it to work.

    so , wiped all of windows off it using mini windows xp, left me data on and reinstalled xp, just finished putting virus scanner/firewall etc back on

    i've got 70gb extra free now , 70gb worth of kids games which have been installed over 2yrs are gone

    works great now :xxgrinning--00xx3

    lost nothing but the time it took to re-install xp and the utils.

    my misses had more than 6gb of photos on it
    Glad you got it back Joe, I hate the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I've had a drive failure or corrupted OS.

    I've been lucky, I've never really lost anything I have had several major PC failures over the years though and it's the time it eats up trying to get a working system cobbled back together that is the real hassle.

    Even setting up a new laptop (my work got me a new one a couple of weeks back) takes me about 6 or 7 hours to get to the point where I have a working Development system.

    Just in the process of moving about half a terabyte of data around to make room to consolidate and to backup my photo libraries which come to around 300GB at the moment, trying to avoid having to buy another disk just now.


  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
    Glad you got it back Joe, I hate the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I've had a drive failure or corrupted OS.

    I've been lucky, I've never really lost anything I have had several major PC failures over the years though and it's the time it eats up trying to get a working system cobbled back together that is the real hassle.

    Even setting up a new laptop (my work got me a new one a couple of weeks back) takes me about 6 or 7 hours to get to the point where I have a working Development system.

    Just in the process of moving about half a terabyte of data around to make room to consolidate and to backup my photo libraries which come to around 300GB at the moment, trying to avoid having to buy another disk just now.

    oh i've burn't all the photos and cam recordings onto dvds for last few years, thou i'm thinking of getting about a 500gb hdd to copy them all onto, as i've dug out some old data cds from maybe 7yrs ago, the cd coating on the top have faded a bit,even thou they been in a box in the dark , and most of my pc's couldn't read them any more, they are also fairly brittle, 75yr life span
    so don't count on being able to read your cds/dvd's in a few years

    the only thing i lost were a few docs i didnt really need, i deleted them thinking i had backed them up

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh i've burn't all the photos and cam recordings onto dvds for last few years, thou i'm thinking of getting about a 500gb hdd to copy them all onto, as i've dug out some old data cds from maybe 7yrs ago, the cd coating on the top have faded a bit,even thou they been in a box in the dark , and most of my pc's couldn't read them any more, they are also fairly brittle, 75yr life span
    so don't count on being able to read your cds/dvd's in a few years

    the only thing i lost were a few docs i didnt really need, i deleted them thinking i had backed them up

    Yeah agreed writeable CD/DVD media is not a long term backup solution, I've had this discussion elsewhere as well. Sadly hard drives have limited life too, the only safe backup method is to keep your data on the move and to have it in multiple locations.

    Photos and Video are a specific problem though because the sheer amount of data can be so large. If you only have a few Gig's worth of pictures then online storage can be a good idea but always keep a local backup as well.

    Compact Flash IS a long term storage medium for photos (100 year plus, better than Kodachrome ) if it is protected from heat, magnetism and radiation.

    For photos I try to treat Compact flash as film i.e. once I've used a flash card I buy another one, they are so cheap these days that the per image cost is lower than it was in film/processing days.

    Treat your flash memory as your negatives or slides and you will not go wrong you still need hard disk though, because you should always have a copy.

    Reasons for Flash drives failing are usually logical rather than physical electrical problems and you can always recover something when it's a logical error. The other reason for failure is excessive use where individual memory addresses on the card get re-written many thousands of times so write once read many is a good approach for them

    Ana did a full wash cycle on a 2GB lexar card about 3 years ago and it still works, I don't trust it but it does still work

    No luck on the lost documents, I really hate losing things like that even if the content is not so important.


  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh i've burn't all the photos and cam recordings onto dvds for last few years, thou i'm thinking of getting about a 500gb hdd to copy them all onto, as i've dug out some old data cds from maybe 7yrs ago, the cd coating on the top have faded a bit,even thou they been in a box in the dark , and most of my pc's couldn't read them any more, they are also fairly brittle, 75yr life span
    so don't count on being able to read your cds/dvd's in a few years

    the only thing i lost were a few docs i didnt really need, i deleted them thinking i had backed them up

    Glad you sorted it as you say sometimes a blessing as you reduce the clutter. I have so many files i keep just in case..

    Im sure you could get some well made and cared for disks to 75 years in a workable state. Problem would thne be finding a device to read them.

    As mentioned before any one got a bbc b laser disk to read the doomsday disks made back in the 80's

    If you went back 75 years the various media formats that have been and gone would be huge.

    Dat, was it philips digital casste, mini disk, analogue cassette, 8 track, wax cylinder, sinclair microdrive, comdore ealy device disk drives. very laser disks, betamax, VHS, s vhs, zip drives, floppy disk all formats including ones launched only ten years ago like the 120mb drive . Could back up to a cloud I can think of ones which offer 100gb's per person. but companies will come and go over 75 years. Most of these formats the average household would have problems laying their hands on im guessing. Even old HDD formats as we move forward will be complicated for the person in the street to read possibly as OS's develop and change even if they use ibm pc compatiables or apples pass and present.

    Best method for many things seems to be a hard copy if photos, diagrams or written word. Books or photos albums might be the best bet.
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