Going back a bit now but.. (when cell phones were the size of a breeze block)[Memories melody drones]
I was flat broke in the UK and had to contact the other half..She would have to get down to the PLDT operator assisted long distance office to call me..
Meanwhile back in London in a freezing cold red telephone box I would wait for the call..
So the phone rings and I pick it up..(as you do) and this Philippine operator asks me if my name is Fred? Yes I always replied (as you do if your name is Fred right?)
Then she asks.."Mrs Fred is calling and is asking if you would accept the charges there?
Bloody cheek!!! So being the softy that I am I say "yeah OK grrr" ..
Oh we would speak for hours sometimes!! (or till the queue outside lost its Patience!!
[/Memories melody drones]