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Thread: introducing myself

  1. #1
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    introducing myself

    Hello to every one here my name is leo im 56 devorced got a 15 year old daughter living with me.I am not from the philippines born and bred in the UK why am I on here well I have built up a friendship with a lady from Digos city and I am trying to find more out about filipino cultur.I have invited her to come to the UK for a holiday to see if she likes it here more to the point that she likes me and would want to come and live here and who knows spend the rest of her life with me.So at the moment she is getting the paper work together to get a pass port then a holiday visa I wil be back to ask questions should we need help bye for now

  2. #2
    eagles's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum welcome LEO, Virgos are plenty

    .. many are from davao on this forum and we hope to be of help in some ways

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    welcome here
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Leo, Hi! Welcome to the forum ... Leo means ready to love too quickly and then can be hurt, but will soon be ready to love again... your good partner is Aquarius just a thought.. with your zodiac sign if you are a Leo man .. well, keep on posting here and good luck

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    Hello to every one here my name is leo im 56 devorced got a 15 year old daughter living with me.I am not from the philippines born and bred in the UK why am I on here well I have built up a friendship with a lady from Digos city and I am trying to find more out about filipino cultur.I have invited her to come to the UK for a holiday to see if she likes it here more to the point that she likes me and would want to come and live here and who knows spend the rest of her life with me.So at the moment she is getting the paper work together to get a pass port then a holiday visa I wil be back to ask questions should we need help bye for now
    Hi Leo,
    Welcome to the forum. I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble, but unless your lady friend has well paid, regular employment, money in the bank and property in the Philippines, then it's extremely unlikely that she will be given a visit visa.

    Having said that, there are people who have met all of those conditions and they were still refused and there were others who didn't meet any of those conditions who were given visas. As others have said on here many times, who gets one and who is refused seems to be a complete lottery with one consistent factor, the refusal rate, which is always extremely high.

    I think you would be well advised to do what most of the other guys on here have had to do, get on a plane, go to the Philippines and visit her.



  6. #6
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Hi Leo
    Unfortunately Iain is right. When we first meet a Filipina, we all have the idea, that we'll invite them over for a visit.....let them see what the UK is like & get a feel for it.

    The reality is very different....yes, some manage to obtain visitor visa's, but the majority don't.
    We've never bothered to apply for one, because of this reason.....So, I've always made the trip out there.

    One member here has applied 3 times & has been turned down everytime.

    Better for you to save your money and bite the bullet & make the trip out there....I'm telling you, it's an adventure & I doubt you'd regret it....You'd get to experience her everyday life & culture, explore a great country & be charmed, by it's very friendly people.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Leo,your best bet is to go and see her instead of Vice-versa,theres no restrictions on your travel there though there may be barriers to her coming here,Digos is maybe 2 hours drive from Davao airport just past Toril,you can get a flight to Davao with Singapore airlines so you bypass the chaos that is Manila,safe trip

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    Leo means ready to love too quickly and then can be hurt, but will soon be ready to love again...
    Your "characterisation" of the birthsign 'Leo' describes ME to a 'T'! After I was widowed [in 1991] I found myself too eager to "love" again ...(perhaps, with hindsight, I was simply trying to fill the aching void) ... and ended up getting "hurt" many, many times during the ensuing 16 years.

    But, in fact, I ACTUALLY happen to be a Virgoan. And, being knowledgeable about Zodiacal compatibility, you'll no doubt be aware that people born under the sign of 'The Virgin' :lol2: are reckoned to be "perfectionists" by nature (which I suppose I am!) so, maybe I'd been searching in vain for MY interpretation of the IDEAL woman [my first wife was a Virgo as well].

    Happily, in September 2007, I began corresponding with a Filipina schoolteacher from Davao del Norte. A year - and something like 250-odd emails apiece - later, we both felt we knew one another well-enough for me to "hop on" a couple of planes to transport me to the other side of the world for 3 weeks. Next thing, I found myself going back out to the Phils in late November to get remarried. This time I stayed for three months while we dealt with the paperwork necessary to bring my new wife to the UK.

    Myrna has been here in Perth since March. We firmly believe that the trials and tribulations each of us encountered in our "past lives" were a sort of 'testing ground' in preparation for 'God's Greater Plan' for the two of us. I therefore hope and pray that Leo and his lady friend will be granted the same true happiness.

    Oh ... almost forgot to mention ... Myrna is a Capricorn - an excellent combination, I believe!

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    Hello to every one here my name is leo im 56 devorced got a 15 year old daughter living with me.I am not from the philippines born and bred in the UK why am I on here well I have built up a friendship with a lady from Digos city and I am trying to find more out about filipino cultur.I have invited her to come to the UK for a holiday to see if she likes it here more to the point that she likes me and would want to come and live here and who knows spend the rest of her life with me.So at the moment she is getting the paper work together to get a pass port then a holiday visa I wil be back to ask questions should we need help bye for now
    Welcome, Leo. I'm really sorry to "stall" your plans, mate. But, as my friends have already pointed out, it's extremely difficult these days for a Filipino - or indeed ANYONE of a foreign nationality - to acquire a Tourist Visa in order to visit the United Kingdom. I too, made the mistake of thinking my [THEN] Filipina girlfriend (now my wife) could come across here to sample the 'Great' British lifestyle, on the strength of it SEEMING the logical thing for her to do at the *time *[last year].

    In the circumstances, therefore, I would ALSO suggest doing what I did in the end: Meet her in her homeland, spend as much time together as you possibly can and take things from there ...! (see my earlier response to Ladybug_sim's post).

    May I wish the two of you the same happiness as my wife and I found.

  10. #10
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    as others have said its not easy

  11. #11
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hello Leo, welcome to the forum

  12. #12
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    Welcome to the forum Leo and best of luck on your friend's/gf's visa application
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  13. #13
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    Thank You

    I would like to thank you all for the friendly welcome and the advice you all have given so far.I would like to go out to the Philipinnes I just thought it would make sense for her to come to the UK also it will be harder for me to go with my daughter( double the expense).Bim works as a nurse and I just thought if she a return ticket their would be no problem with a holiday visa so it looks like I will have to try and go if any body has got more advice that might help please let me have it.Once again many thanks.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    also it will be harder for me to go with my daughter( double the expense).
    but your daughter will have a great time, and beats going to spain

  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    I would like to thank you all for the friendly welcome and the advice you all have given so far.I would like to go out to the Philipinnes I just thought it would make sense for her to come to the UK also it will be harder for me to go with my daughter( double the expense).Bim works as a nurse and I just thought if she a return ticket their would be no problem with a holiday visa so it looks like I will have to try and go if any body has got more advice that might help please let me have it.Once again many thanks.
    I think most of the guys on here thought that as well when they first got involved with their wives/gf's/fiancees, unfortunately what makes sense to us doesn't seem to fit in with the British governments way of thinking.


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