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Thread: Hi All - Just introducing myself

  1. #1
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    Hi All - Just introducing myself


    My name is Ian and this site was recommended to me after my wife was refused a settlement visa today.

    We met in December last year and married at the end of February.

    We applied for a Visa on 27th March and after an interview today lasting 20 minutes we were declined under section (iii) - not convinced of genuine future for relationship and reasons for marrying.

    I assume all people on here understand the love of a soul mate from the Philippines.

    If you or your spouse have been declined a settlement visa I would appreciate knowing your experience of the appeals process and grateful for any advice on seeking a change of decision from the UK embassy in manila.

    If you have any other advice for someone new to the iste that would be great and I will try to respond to all update.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Hiya Ian welcome to the forum.
    I'm not in the same situation as you, so I cannot comment of settlement refusal, however you can start by using the search function as there is a wealth of info on here and I'm sure someone can give you advice - we're all friendly!
    Best wishes,

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry to hear it

    rare a spouse visa is refused, and not many get asked to attend an interview.

    what did you send as evidence of your relationship ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by isimpson01 View Post

    My name is Ian and this site was recommended to me after my wife was refused a settlement visa today.

    We met in December last year and married at the end of February.

    We applied for a Visa on 27th March and after an interview today lasting 20 minutes we were declined under section (iii) - not convinced of genuine future for relationship and reasons for marrying.

    I assume all people on here understand the love of a soul mate from the Philippines.

    If you or your spouse have been declined a settlement visa I would appreciate knowing your experience of the appeals process and grateful for any advice on seeking a change of decision from the UK embassy in manila.

    If you have any other advice for someone new to the iste that would be great and I will try to respond to all update.

    Welcome here Ian and i'm sorry about the refusal of your wife's visa application today...
    I know how furstrating it must be on your part and your wife's, considering the time, money and effort you have put forth on the processing....
    Anyway, you can try re-applying and establish more proof that will hopefully satisfy the embassy people....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Anyway, you can try re-applying and establish more proof that will hopefully satisfy the embassy people....

    first, if you have documentary evidence or any further submissions to counter the reasons given in the refusal notice, these should be submitted to the refusing office, and ask the Entry Clearance Manager for a reconsideration. However, you should also ensure that an appeal is lodged within the 28-day period, sent to the address given on the form. and you maybe be better off appealing to the British embassy in the phils, as i've said the ECO manager may over turn the refusal (small chance thou), thou if you do appeal to the embassy in the phils, they will have to send your papers to the AIT in the UK, so it would take longer than if you sent your appeal to the AIT in the UK, but there is a chance the refusal could be overturned by the ECO manager

    The appeal can always be withdrawn if the ECM accepts that the extra evidence merits a change of decision.

    if the decision is not changed re-apply with more evidence as Sophie has suggested or appeal (could take upto 6 months thou )

    the appeal process

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Hi! Welcome to the forum ... we are so sorry to hear for what happen but still don't lost hope as there is another chance to do things with your wifey for now and keep on posting too so people on here can share you things you want to know ... I know how frustrating on getting far still to the one you love that be on your arms soon... good luck and always trust in God.

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Ian,
    Welcome to the forum. I'm very sorry to hear that your wife's visa was refused. The trouble is that when an applicant is called for an interview they are going to try to trip her up by suggesting that she only married you to get to the west and support her family. It's a real pity that you didn't find this forum before she applied and attended the interview.

    In the long term, if you appeal as Joe said, they will have to look at it again and they will have to make absolutely sure that their reasons for refusal are very strong before they let an full appeal go ahead.


  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by isimpson01 View Post

    My name is Ian and this site was recommended to me after my wife was refused a settlement visa today.

    We met in December last year and married at the end of February.

    We applied for a Visa on 27th March and after an interview today lasting 20 minutes we were declined under section (iii) - not convinced of genuine future for relationship and reasons for marrying.
    Ian. Welcome to the forum. Like my friends here, I fully commiserate with your situation. For a start, you and your wife have been waiting anxiously all these months ... probably believing that "no news was good news" the longer you waited ... only to have your hopes cruelly dashed on the strength of a short, yet extremely stressful interview, for your wife.

    I imagine you must both be devastated with the decision. Marriage IS [or SHOULD BE] a crucially-important step for ANY couple and, to be honest, I fail to understand WHY the ECO would NOT be convinced in terms of the substantive nature of your relationship - UNLESS, of course, he/she felt that 2-3 months barely allowed sufficient time for the two of you to get to know one another properly. But even then, my reasoning would be that Long Distance Relationships cannot possibly be conducted on the same level as so-called "normal" ones. And, apart from the obvious factor, they are invarably influenced by equally important considerations such as the work commitments/holiday arrangements of the two parties involved. Presumably you invested a great deal of time and money in travelling to the Philippines to meet your then girlfriend ... not to mention subsequent wedding costs and the hefty financial outlay incurred in applying for your wife's visa. Truly, would you have gone to all this expense if you WEREN'T serious about each other? I hardly think so!

    In the circumstances, therefore, I suggest you act on the advice given to you by Joe Bloggs, a man with a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips. It would also be very worthwhile consulting the various websites Joe has kindly provided.

    Good Luck, Ian.

  9. #9
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    68 was actually me who referred this site to ian simpson which his wife is a friend of mine. they both really needing help that is why i had no doubt of inviting him to join this site ,his wife cried when we talk over on phone, it was really so painful on her part i know , so i ask anyone of you here whose having much more ideas with regards to pls help them out all through the process.....thank you

  10. #10
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear about your wife's visa refusal Ian. All your time, effort and the visa fee is so expensive come to think about it too. So pass more documents and proof to overrule the consul's decision and follow what our mod joe and other members had suggested it's going to be in you and your wife's favor. Even though you have submitted most of your documents at the uk embassy in manila, here are the list again of the documents you might need to show genuine relationship and a future together.
    Passport, NBI Clearance, NSO-SECPA Birth Certificate (THis is for you)
    Sponsor’s Birth Certificate ( your fiance)
    Full copy of sponsor’s passport, personal details and Phil. Immigration stamp in full color
    Scanned copy of sponsor’s driver’s license

    Deed of Property
    Property Details ( He can take pictures of his house, inside and outside)
    Mortgage Statements:
    Council Tax

    Letter of Employment ,Copy of Full Contract Details,
    Bank Statement

    Letter of Support from the Sponsor
    Provisional Booking for the Wedding
    Provisional Booking for Wedding Lunch
    E-mail Transcripts
    Chat Log
    SMS Log
    Screenshots of Chat Sessions
    MoneyGram Receipts? Western Union Receipts
    Flower Receipts
    Telephone Bills/ Calling Cards

    Boarding Passes and E-tickets, Hotel and Restaurant Receipts, Photos
    Letters, Postcard, Used Phone Cards, Used Call and Text Cards

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you met in December and married feb, such a short time span would increase your risk of refusal. it really would have been better if you had met her a few times over a longer period.

    also i'm guessing at the interview, the case worker asked questions about you, that maybe your wife didn't know the answer to or got it wrong (where you live, what's your middle name etc..). this to would have increased your risk of refusal. once your wife was called for an interview, she should have practised some questions with you, as many of the questions they could ask are on this site

    but good luck, I hope you will win your appeal or get your visa if you re-apply

  12. #12
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    Thanks for the reply and I only wish I had found this site earlier and possibly avoided the refusal decision.

    I am off to Manila on Wednesday 19th so hopefully ECO Manager will review

  13. #13
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    Thanks for the reply.
    I made the mistake of relying on supplying what was required at the application stage and only adding updated bank details and Mobile bill along with a letter of support.
    I have more contact details printed now and am going to the Philippines next week.
    Hope things go better with the better preparation.

  14. #14
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    how long have you been chatting online?,and before you go make sure you take anything you may need.

    i think the lack of time you have known each other maybe the problem,try and prove them wrong!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  15. #15
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    Thanks for the reply and expanded list of documentation.
    I think my biggest error was not supplying enough contact information for the period between marriage and interview after having such a short relationship compared to most standards.
    Hopefully, the extra documents I take to Manila next week will convince during re-consideration.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by isimpson01 View Post
    Thanks for the reply and I only wish I had found this site earlier and possibly avoided the refusal decision.

    I am off to Manila on Wednesday 19th so hopefully ECO Manager will review
    Good luck Ian.

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the wishes.
    Hopefully, the extra evidence of our daily contact since the marriage and the extra time together will result in a favourable review by officers manager

  18. #18
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    Thanks for the wishes.
    Hopefully the evidence of contact for the last five months and contact from family and friends here will assist with a favourable review of the refusal
    I am off to Manila on Wednesday so the extra time together will also help.

  19. #19
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    we wish you the very best

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dont forget on your visit, take more pictures of you both, keep any hotel bills, your air ticket stubs etc,, as evidence

  21. #21
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    Thanks Marylen
    You are 100% correct that I wish we had found this site earlier in our relationship and pray that the good advice received will allow for a favourable review of the refusal.
    I depart for the Philippines on Wednesday next week.

  22. #22
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    All the advice and best wishes have been invaluable at such a difficult time.
    I know we will grow stronger because of the refusal and pray that it is only a short time until we get positive progress. I travel to Manila on Wednesday with all the documentation that I wish I had supplied before the last interview

  23. #23
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    Will do. Thanks
    I have printed some of the previous contact details also.

  24. #24
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    with giving documents make them as detailed as possible,so it gives them as little to question.

    and search the forum as it maybe quicker than waiting for a answer?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  25. #25
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    Thanks for the reply.
    It is a sad state when government make judgements based on their view of peoples feelings when we passed all the genuine known requirements.
    I only wish I had prepared for my wife's interview with the mindset of a day in court charged with some offence. In my opinion our only crime was being fully committed to each other so quickly and being naive in only processing what was requested.

  26. #26
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    Hi Iain
    I hope that an additional visit from next week and more proof of our communication has the desired effect of changing the decision during a review rather than a full appeal. If not then re-applying could be a better option.
    From speaking to my wife she managed to answer all but one of the questions and it was a question most married couples could struggle with.

  27. #27
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    sadly how you feel about each other,isnt something they think about?

    you have to prove how long and how serious your relationship is to them,you must of put some doubt into there minds with the requirements you supplied to them?

    just go over the entire process again and make sure you give more than enough detail to them!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  28. #28
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    I wil share all the details and wishes with my wife next week when we are together in Manila.
    Hopefully we will get a review with the ECO Manager during my stay and with the additional documents recommended by people on this forum manage to convince them of our True Love.

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh i've said this many times on here, but i use to work with 2 Libyans brothers, and they met their future wife's in the desert for less than 1hr, just over a week later they got wed, and just over 2 wks they were in the uk, and oh this was over the xmas period, he flew on the 23rd of dec, got wed and his wife was in the uk b4 the 20th of jan, evidence of a genuine relationship ? nothing.. all down to culture. unfair .. yes it is

  30. #30
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    again wish you and your wife the best this time. This time be more prepared. Cheers.

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