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Thread: Am I legaly married??

  1. #1
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    Am I legaly married??

    I married a Ukrainian woman early 2008, it all went tits up very soon after. It was done in the local town hall in Kherson. i got a certificate and a stamp in my passport. To cut a long storey short, i went to the Registers office here where i originaly applied for the the decree of non impediment, and asked them if they thought my marriage was legal in this country. They told me they had no record of me being married.

    I spoke to a lawyer and he said i need a divorce, about £900 plus 6 months to wait while it goes through.

    So am i free to marry a philipina and bring her here,, or is the lawyer telling me the truth???

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Marriages abroad are recognised by UK law only if they were were conducted in accordance with the local law of the country, so if it was, you probably are married

  3. #3
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Married ?

    So, if I'm reading this correctly,

    the registrar gave you a certificate of "non impediment" ?
    Did they see / look at your passport ?
    If so... they should be sacked !!!!!

    Of course you are MARRIED !

    You got married in the Ukraine, under their laws.
    This marriage is VALID & recognised in the UK.
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  4. #4
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    Trust the lawyer £900 sounds better than a trip to the local prison after marrying another woman whilst still married

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the replies, sounds like that lawyer isnt just after my cash. arr well tomorrow i will make the call.

    As for the registrar,,, they gave me the certificate "Before" i got married to the Ukrianian,,,#
    I went back to them to ask if they had any record of me actaully getting married "To" the Ukrianian after i got back from abroad. And they said no.

    Makes me wonder if they dont know i am married now, then how can they issue a certificate if they dont keep records without people telling them volenterily?

    For some reason i thought maybe i should have regestered the marriage with the uk authorties when i cam back to the uk to make it legal here, "Obviously not" At the time i was so pissed of with it all i just put it out of my mind.

  6. #6
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Where did this lawyer LOOK to see if you are married??

    Go to where they looked, and see for yourself.

    Saves 900 squid...

  7. #7
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    All I can say is your discovered things early before you get involve to another relationship.If you don't mind, may I asked if your wife still here in UK?

    Try to contact your Local court maybe they can help.
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  8. #8
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    well firstly the laywer didnt look anywhere he just quoted the law as it stands in the uk just as members here advised me.. It was the local regesrty office here in my town i asked to look on any database i thought they might have.

    As for the wife, she is still, i think in the Ukriane, she never ever came to the uk she got her spousel visa refused.

  9. #9
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    Actually i am gona go to the court and ask if theres a cheeper way to do it, all this legal stuff is *******s if you ask me

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeob View Post
    Actually i am gona go to the court and ask if theres a cheeper way to do it, all this legal stuff is *******s if you ask me
    The onus was on you, to register the marriage after you returned.

    Now what you have to do is to go to the Registrar, and register the marriage, in order to be able to start divorce proceedings.

    Cheapest way for a divorce would be the muslim way....
    All you have to do is yell at her 3 times, that you divorcing her.... And presto you are rid of the encumbrance.
    I read somewhere, that an arab bloke texted that to his wife, and according to what the imam said, it was ok and he was divorced....

    Pretty nifty, eh...?

  11. #11
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    but everytime i read this thread title i have a little giggle to myself
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    The onus was on you, to register the marriage after you returned.

    Now what you have to do is to go to the Registrar, and register the marriage, in order to be able to start divorce proceedings.

    Cheapest way for a divorce would be the muslim way....
    All you have to do is yell at her 3 times, that you divorcing her.... And presto you are rid of the encumbrance.
    I read somewhere, that an arab bloke texted that to his wife, and according to what the imam said, it was ok and he was divorced....

    Pretty nifty, eh...?
    can you delete the above incase my wife says that to me,i dont want her to get any ideas!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
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    As generally agreed here, as long as the marriage was legally recognised in the country of marriage, you are married. That you did not register it with UK was your problem.

    As you appear to be living in UK, I believe you can get a divorce there. Just inquire at your local Country Court. If you can then you do not NEED a solicitor. Again seek info from the County court or even on line.

    If you now got a non-impediment cert in UK, by not declaring you are married, you would commit a criminal offence, as you must swear on oath you are not married, that would be perjury.

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